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Re: problems with parameter lumping using ReplaceAll

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105893] Re: [mg105871] problems with parameter lumping using ReplaceAll
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 02:43:24 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <26848924.1261475774162.JavaMail.root@n11>

Replace only matches the exact pattern and doesn't know or do any algebra.
When matching fails the best first step is to look at the FullForm of the
expression and the pattern in the rule to see how they differ.

In your example you have to write an extended set of rules, and simplify the
pattern first.

sol // Simplify;
% //. {2 V1 - 2 V2 -> 2 w, -2 V1 + 2 V2 -> -2 w, -V1 + V2 -> -w, 
  2 V3 - 2 V4 -> 2 x, -2 V3 + 2 V4 -> -2 x, -V3 + V4 -> -x}

There is another easier way to simplify this using Simplify with
Assumptions. That will do some algebra.

Simplify[sol, V1 - V2 == w \[And] V3 - V4 == x]

David Park
djmpark at  

From: sean [mailto:sean_incali at] 

Hello Group,

I have a pretty nasty expression that I'm trying the lump the
parameters for.

I'm having problems making mathematica perform the following
Like I said it's pretty nasty and hope it pastes ok.

sol = {{C[0]->p/(-4 a+4 b)+(Sqrt[l^2-m] vd)/(-4 a+4 b)-Sqrt[u-v-2 Sqrt
[l^2-m] q vd-2 Sqrt[l^2-m] r vd]/(-4 a+4 b),M[0]->-(i/(2 V1-2 V2))-j/
(2 V1-2 V2)+Sqrt[s^2-4 t]/(2 V1-2 V2)+V1/(2 V1-2 V2)-V2/(2 V1-2 V2),X
[0]->l/(2 V3-2 V4)+Sqrt[l^2-m]/(2 V3-2 V4)},{C[0]->p/(-4 a+4 b)+(Sqrt
[l^2-m] vd)/(-4 a+4 b)-Sqrt[u-v-2 Sqrt[l^2-m] q vd-2 Sqrt[l^2-m] r vd]/
(-4 a+4 b),M[0]->i/(-2 V1+2 V2)+j/(-2 V1+2 V2)+Sqrt[s^2-4 t]/(-2 V1+2
V2)-V1/(-2 V1+2 V2)+V2/(-2 V1+2 V2),X[0]->l/(2 V3-2 V4)+Sqrt[l^2-m]/(2
V3-2 V4)},{C[0]->p/(-4 a+4 b)+(Sqrt[l^2-m] vd)/(-4 a+4 b)+Sqrt[u-v-2
Sqrt[l^2-m] q vd-2 Sqrt[l^2-m] r vd]/(-4 a+4 b),M[0]->-(i/(2 V1-2 V2))-
j/(2 V1-2 V2)+Sqrt[s^2-4 t]/(2 V1-2 V2)+V1/(2 V1-2 V2)-V2/(2 V1-2 V2),X
[0]->l/(2 V3-2 V4)+Sqrt[l^2-m]/(2 V3-2 V4)},{C[0]->p/(-4 a+4 b)+(Sqrt
[l^2-m] vd)/(-4 a+4 b)+Sqrt[u-v-2 Sqrt[l^2-m] q vd-2 Sqrt[l^2-m] r vd]/
(-4 a+4 b),M[0]->i/(-2 V1+2 V2)+j/(-2 V1+2 V2)+Sqrt[s^2-4 t]/(-2 V1+2
V2)-V1/(-2 V1+2 V2)+V2/(-2 V1+2 V2),X[0]->l/(2 V3-2 V4)+Sqrt[l^2-m]/(2
V3-2 V4)},{C[0]->p/(-4 a+4 b)-(Sqrt[l^2-m] vd)/(-4 a+4 b)-Sqrt[u-v+2
Sqrt[l^2-m] q vd+2 Sqrt[l^2-m] r vd]/(-4 a+4 b),M[0]->-(i/(2 V1-2 V2))-
j/(2 V1-2 V2)+Sqrt[s^2-4 t]/(2 V1-2 V2)+V1/(2 V1-2 V2)-V2/(2 V1-2 V2),X
[0]->f/(-2 V3+2 V4)+g/(-2 V3+2 V4)+Sqrt[l^2-m]/(-2 V3+2 V4)-V3/(-2
V3+2 V4)+V4/(-2 V3+2 V4)},{C[0]->p/(-4 a+4 b)-(Sqrt[l^2-m] vd)/(-4 a+4
b)-Sqrt[u-v+2 Sqrt[l^2-m] q vd+2 Sqrt[l^2-m] r vd]/(-4 a+4 b),M[0]->i/
(-2 V1+2 V2)+j/(-2 V1+2 V2)+Sqrt[s^2-4 t]/(-2 V1+2 V2)-V1/(-2 V1+2
V2)+V2/(-2 V1+2 V2),X[0]->f/(-2 V3+2 V4)+g/(-2 V3+2 V4)+Sqrt[l^2-m]/
(-2 V3+2 V4)-V3/(-2 V3+2 V4)+V4/(-2 V3+2 V4)},{C[0]->p/(-4 a+4 b)-(Sqrt
[l^2-m] vd)/(-4 a+4 b)+Sqrt[u-v+2 Sqrt[l^2-m] q vd+2 Sqrt[l^2-m] r vd]/
(-4 a+4 b),M[0]->-(i/(2 V1-2 V2))-j/(2 V1-2 V2)+Sqrt[s^2-4 t]/(2 V1-2
V2)+V1/(2 V1-2 V2)-V2/(2 V1-2 V2),X[0]->f/(-2 V3+2 V4)+g/(-2 V3+2
V4)+Sqrt[l^2-m]/(-2 V3+2 V4)-V3/(-2 V3+2 V4)+V4/(-2 V3+2 V4)},{C[0]->p/
(-4 a+4 b)-(Sqrt[l^2-m] vd)/(-4 a+4 b)+Sqrt[u-v+2 Sqrt[l^2-m] q vd+2
Sqrt[l^2-m] r vd]/(-4 a+4 b),M[0]->i/(-2 V1+2 V2)+j/(-2 V1+2 V2)+Sqrt
[s^2-4 t]/(-2 V1+2 V2)-V1/(-2 V1+2 V2)+V2/(-2 V1+2 V2),X[0]->f/(-2
V3+2 V4)+g/(-2 V3+2 V4)+Sqrt[l^2-m]/(-2 V3+2 V4)-V3/(-2 V3+2 V4)+V4/
(-2 V3+2 V4)}}

sol//. 2 V1-2 V2-> 2w/. 2 V3-2 V4 -> 2x//Simplify

If you try it, 2 V1- 2 V2  is only replaced in every other denominator
in the solutions. (There are 8 equilibrium points in the sol up there)

It also fails to recognize that -V1 + V2 is -w.

Similarly, 2 V3-2 V4 -> 2x  fails to replace in some of the

It seems like it has to do with - sign in front of the expression that
mathematica is trying to make the replacements into. If the expression
contains the - sign, it doesn't replace the expression.

Question is how do I make the replacements regardless the sign?

Thanks much in advance.


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