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Re: GraphPlot and Feynman graphs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg96041] Re: GraphPlot and Feynman graphs
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 06:22:23 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <gm3r6h$m9i$>


> I experimented a bit with using Mathematica's GraphPlot to
> draw Feynman graphs.  In particular, I would like to be able
> to modify VertexRenderingFunction in such a way as to
> use the usual conventions for drawing Feynman graphs (see
> for some example of Feynman graphs).
> I wasn't able to get very far though, which was a bit disappointing.
> There were several issues:
> * When two vertices are linked by more than one edge (as
> it often happens in Feynman diagrams with loops) the only
> way this is drawn is by splitting the two edges until they are
> at at prescribed distance apart and then the edges run
> parallel until they join at the other vertex.  This is weird for
> Feynman graphs.
> * I wasn't able to add patterns on the edges, for example
> the wiggles for the gluon lines.
> Can someone offer help with these issues?  Are there any
> plans to offer the ability to draw Feynman graphs in future
> versions of Mathematica or as an add-on package?
> I can tell you that having the possibility to draw Feynman
> graphs within Mathematica (with the possibility of adding
> mathematics around the vertices and edges) would make
> lots of physicists very happy.

There are not only plans, there are packages ready to use...
When using Mathematica to work on Feynman graphs, you should definitely
look here:

actually it is only one part of a whole set of packages which you can
find here:

I think there are other packages, and maybe for your purposes other
packages will suit better, but I know the above packages are used for
serious work in elementary particle physics and in principle are not
limited to that field, so you should take the time to look what they can
do for you...



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