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Re: Problem on solving nonlinear system

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg96069] Re: Problem on solving nonlinear system
  • From: Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 05:19:18 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • References: <gm99ut$8o$>

In article <gm99ut$8o$1 at>,
 "tarpanelli at" <tarpanelli at> wrote:

> I am trying to solve the following nonlinear system but I am not getting a 
> good solution (I am using the function Solve)
> f1[a_,S_,q_,r_,t_,n_]:=Sum[a_i * S_i * Exp[(r-q_i)*t],{i,1,n}]
> f2[a_,S_,q_,r_,s_,rho_,t_,n_]:=Sum[a_i*a_j*S_i*S_j*Exp[(2r-q_i-
> q_j+rho_ij*s_i*S_j)*t],{i,1,n},{j,1,n}]
> g1[a_,S_,d_,sigma_,t_]:=Sum[a_i*S_i,{i,1,n}]*Exp[(r-d-(sigma^2/2))*t]
> g2[a_,S_,d_,sigma_,t_]:=(Sum[a_i*S_i,{i,1,n}])^2 * Exp[(2r-2d+(sigma^2))*t]
> I would like to solve the nonlinear system
> f1==g1
> f2==g2
> for d and sigma

You should post correct Mathematica code (i.e. syntacticly correct) and 
also comment on the not good solution, that would help people helping 
you. Here is my attempt to mimic what you might have done:

In[1]:= f1[a_, S_, q_, r_, t_, n_] := 
 Sum[a[i]*S[i]*Exp[(r - q[i])*t], {i, 1, n}]
f2[a_, S_, q_, r_, s_, rho_, t_, n_] := 
   Exp[(2 r - q[i] - q[j] + rho[i, j]*s[i]*S[j])*t], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1,

g1[a_, S_, d_, sigma_, t_] := 
 Sum[a[i]*S[i], {i, 1, n}]*Exp[(r - d - (sigma^2/2))*t]
g2[a_, S_, d_, sigma_, t_] := (Sum[a[i]*S[i], {i, 1, n}])^2*
  Exp[(2 r - 2 d + (sigma^2))*t]

In[5]:= Solve[{f1[a, S, q, r, t, n] == g1[a, S, d, sigma, t], 
  f2[a, S, q, r, s, rho, t, n] == g2[a, S, d, sigma, t]}, {d, sigma}]

During evaluation of In[5]:= Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being \
used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for \
complete solution information. >>

                               t (r - q[i])
        1                 Sum[E             a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}]
{{d -> --- (4 r t - 2 Log[---------------------------------------] - 
       4 t                       Sum[a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}]
                t (2 r - q[i] - q[j] + rho[i, j] s[i] S[j])
       Log[Sum[E                                            a[i] a[j] 
           S[i] S[j], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}] / Sum[a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}] ]
       ), sigma -> 
    -(--------------- Sqrt[-2 
      Sqrt[2] Sqrt[t]
                   t (r - q[i])
              Sum[E             a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}]
          Log[---------------------------------------] + 
                     Sum[a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}]
                  t (2 r - q[i] - q[j] + rho[i, j] s[i] S[j])
         Log[Sum[E                                            a[i] a[j] 
             S[i] S[j], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}] / 
           Sum[a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}] ]])}, 
                                t (r - q[i])
         1                 Sum[E             a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}]
  {d -> --- (4 r t - 2 Log[---------------------------------------] - 
        4 t                       Sum[a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}]
                t (2 r - q[i] - q[j] + rho[i, j] s[i] S[j])
       Log[Sum[E                                            a[i] a[j] 
           S[i] S[j], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}] / Sum[a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}] ]
       ), sigma -> 
    --------------- Sqrt[-2 Log[
    Sqrt[2] Sqrt[t]
               t (r - q[i])
          Sum[E             a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}]
          ---------------------------------------] + 
                 Sum[a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}]
                t (2 r - q[i] - q[j] + rho[i, j] s[i] S[j])
       Log[Sum[E                                            a[i] a[j] 
           S[i] S[j], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}] / Sum[a[i] S[i], {i, 1, n}] ]


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