[any workaround for] very slow Save[]s on Mathematica V7??
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg96195] [any workaround for] very slow Save[]s on Mathematica V7??
- From: congruentialuminaire at yahoo.com
- Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 05:33:15 -0500 (EST)
Hello MathGroup: I reported the problem below to WRI support. The response was: "yep this example was slow for me also...big files take a long time to save..sorry for the inconvenience". The example I submitted is from the WRI web site and is listed below. The example from today is: q = ProteinData["RAD52", "MoleculePlot"]; ByteCount[q] > 16158220 When I save the notebook, the Front End locks up; TaskManager shows "Not Responding" and Mathematica is unusable for more than 5 minutes. I did verify that I can copy the [resultant] 40MB notebook file to a network drive faster than it takes to save from the Mathematica Frontend. I used to do complicated graphics with V6 and I am sure Save[] did not take this long. Here is more strange info on this. The last command below is: "Import["http://exampledata.wolfram.com/usamap.zip", ImageSize -> Medium]" On V7 "% // ByteCount" gives 14792200 On V6 the same command shows only 312?!?!? Does anyone know of a work-around for this annoying V7 problem? Roger Williams Franklin Laboratory ---------------------------------------- (*---------------------------------------------*) Show[Graphics[ CountryData[#, "Polygon"] & /@ CountryData["Europe"] /. Polygon -> Line], ParametricPlot[ Reverse@GeoDestination[ GeoPosition[CityData["Frankfurt", "Coordinates"]], {1000000, t}][[1]], {t, 0, 360}, PlotStyle -> Directive[Red, Thick]], ImageSize -> Medium] globe = ParametricPlot3D[ GeoPositionXYZ[GeoPosition[{lat, long}]][[1]], {lat, -90, 90}, {long, -180, 180}, MaxRecursion -> 4, Axes -> None]; Show[Graphics3D[{Yellow, Thick, Line /@ Map[GeoPositionXYZ[GeoPosition[#]][[1]] &, Join[CountryData[#, "Coordinates"] & /@ {"UnitedStates", "Canada", "Mexico"}], {-2}]}], globe, Boxed -> False] Grid[{#, GeodesyData[{a, b}, #]} & /@ {"Eccentricity", "Flattening", "MeanMassRadius", "MeanRadius", "MeridianQuadrant", "SecondEccentricity", "VolumetricRadius"}, Frame -> All] Import["http://exampledata.wolfram.com/usamap.zip", ImageSize -> Medium] (*---------------------------------------------*)