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Taking LCM in a polynomial expression

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg95328] Taking LCM in a polynomial expression
  • From: Srikanth <skt at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 06:13:57 -0500 (EST)

I have a symbolic matrix that I invert. When I take each individual
entry of the resulting matrix, I get an expression of the form:
num1/den1 + num2/den1 + .... + num_n/den1
where den1 is the determinant of the matrix. I'd like to get an
expression of the form:

I tried using Simplify (as well as multiplying the matrix by its
determinant), but it doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions?

On a related note, the final Num is a polynomial in two variables -
say x,y. I'd like to arrange it in decreasing powers of x - like f1(y)
x^n + f2(y) x^n-1... + constant. What function should use? Is there
any way to both in a single step?

Thanks a lot

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