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Re: Maximizing function which defines a routine

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg95321] Re: Maximizing function which defines a routine
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 06:12:38 -0500 (EST)

On 1/14/09 at 5:32 AM, mryan1 at (Mark) wrote:

>(Apologies up front for my utter lack of programming ability--the
>only language Ive ever really programmed in is Basic and I havent
>even done much of that)

>I have a function "G" in two arguments (x,y) which uses a loop (Im
>using label/goto for this loop if that gives any idea of my
>programming abilities) to alter the values of three "state"
>variables (a,b,c). The output of this function is to store the final
>values of these three variables a,b,c, (globally).

>Is it possible in Mathematica to use Maximize or NMaximize on this
>function, in order to, for example, find the "x" which maximizes "a"
>(given y)?

The only answer possible to your question is that it depends on
details of the function you have not posted. There is nothing
about using loops as part of the function definition
automatically prevents NMaximize from being successful. If you
provide details of your function (preferably the Mathematica
code that implements your function) I or another poster quite
likely can help you.

Now having said the above, I will also note efficient
programming in Mathematica is quite different than programming
in Basic. I do not believe there are any programs in Mathematica
that would be considered efficient programs that use a
label/goto construct. In fact, most efficient Mathematica
programs do not use explicit loops. Additionally, using a loop
to modify global variables is probably a bad idea. Usually, this
causes problems when the same variables are used else where in a notebook.

If you plan to use Mathematica quite a bit and want to become
proficient in writing Mathematica code, there are a number of
books that will give you a good place to start. For example,
there are Maeder's books Programming in Mathematica and The
Mathematica Programmer. I am sure others responding to your post
can provide other recommendations.

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