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Re: Mathematica and Access

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg95363] Re: Mathematica and Access
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 06:11:57 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <gkn5ok$ink$>


> I have to manage an huge database in Microsoft Access format.

I have no experience with huge access databases (usually when databases
get huge I think the database-people try to avoid access, but 'huge'
might be relative...). Have you looked at the DatabaseLink
documentation? They have an example about how to handle an access
database via ODBC there, which does exactly what you seem to need. Just
search for ODBC in the documentation center. The documentation was
obviously done with version 5 but it still works with 7, except that the
example database is now here:

the interesting thing is, that this works even without access being
installed. The downside is that some of the examples in the
documentation don't work, probably since pathes have changed...



> I'm trying to do the job using Mathematica because hard computational
> work is involved, but I'm unable to find the right way using 
> Mathematca's help only.
> Therefore, I export data from .MDB file in a TSV formatted one, precess 
> them, import data in .MDB file again.
> No doubt, it's a repetitive, slow, tedious method; I would love
> modify data (as an example, decrease by 10% prices of all books having 
> been hanging for more than an year) directly within Mathematica Front 
> End (or by means of a Kernel batch call).
> Please can you suggest if it is feasible and, possibly point out a 
> tutorial about that ? Does anyone got a try before ?
> Thanks for your attension (and apologies for my poor English !!)
> Best Regard
> Ignacio

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