Re: Extract Integrate values
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg95564] Re: Extract Integrate values
- From: dh <dh at>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:49:44 -0500 (EST)
- References: <gl4a8g$gis$>
Hi, here is a small function that changes your output to a piecewise function: ex2piec[ex_] := Piecewise@ Most[ex]; Note that plotting a piecewise function often needs an increase of the option "PlotPoints". hope this helps, Daniel Ktota wrote: > Hello there, > > does anyone has an idea how i can extract integral output (i have > several line of output for different conditions) and automatically > make an expression which i can plot on a graph. > > Integrate output: > { > {0., t <= 87.5}, > {2679.69- 61.25 t + 0.35 t^2, 87.5 < t <= 137.5}, > {-10554.7 + 131.25 t - 0.35 t^2, 137.5 < t <= 155.}, > {-6950.94 + 84.75 t - 0.2 t^2, 155. < t <= 187.5}, > {5353.75- 46.5 t + 0.15 t^2, 187.5 < t <= 205.}, > {-7253.75 + 76.5 t - 0.15 t^2, 205. < t <= 255.}, > {2500., \!\(\* > TagBox["True", > "PiecewiseDefault", > AutoDelete->False, > DeletionWarning->True]\)} > > Manual typing of the above information to get it ploted: > > } > If[t <= 87.5, 0, > If[t <= 137.5, 2679.6874999999995- 61.24999999999999 t + 0.35 t^2, > If[t <= 155, -10554.6875 + 131.25 t - 0.35 t^2, > If[t <= 187.5, -6950.937500000001 + 84.75 t - > 0.19999999999999996 t^2, > If[t <= 205, > 5353.750000000001 - 46.50000000000001 t + > 0.15000000000000002 t^2, > If[t <= 255, -7253.750000000001 + 76.50000000000001 t - > 0.15000000000000002 t^2, 2500 > ]]]]]]/31200 >