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Re: Re: Re: Mathematica Animation Drives Me Crazy!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg95729] Re: [mg95709] Re: [mg95681] Re: [mg95604] Mathematica Animation Drives Me Crazy!
  • From: "Benedetto Bongiorno" <bongiob at>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 21:49:02 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <15010445.1232628718537.JavaMail.root@m02> <8442139.1232799214018.JavaMail.root@m02> <>

Windows Vista Ultimate 64Bit 4Gigs Version 7

The same hiccups

-----Original Message-----
From: David Park [mailto:djmpark at] 
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 5:53 AM
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg95729] [mg95709] Re: [mg95681] Re: [mg95604] Mathematica Animation Drives
Me Crazy!

So far I've received one confirmation of this from a Windows Vista user. But
for him it occurred at a much lower frequency than for me. I get repeats and
'freezes' about 90% of the time. If there are other users on Windows Vista I
would certainly appreciate them trying it.

I have had a number of responses from people with non-Vista operation
systems who have no problem (other than the repeat final value, which I also
consider to be a bug.)

David Park
djmpark at  

From: David Park [mailto:djmpark at] 

This may be a platform dependent problem. In any case, I'm working on a
32-bit Windows Vista, Version 7.

Here are some typical results of repeated Trigger activation (Trigger
controls omitted) with the first form of the Trigger example:

Module[{n = 0, nevals = 0, nlist = {}, calcnevals}, 
 calcnevals[] := 
  If[n == 0, nevals = 1; nlist = {n}, nevals = nevals + 1;
   nlist = Append[nlist, n]];
 {Trigger[Dynamic[n, (n = #; calcnevals[]) &], {0, 10, 1}], 
  Dynamic[n], Dynamic[nevals], Dynamic[nlist]}]


Notice that in the first and last case the animation 'froze' at n = 4 and n
= 1. The first number is the last value of n, the second number is the
number of values that were actually produced (it should be equal to 11) and
the third item is the list of values produced, which should be

I would be very thankful if users on Windows Vista could try this out.

David Park
djmpark at  

From: David Park [mailto:djmpark at] 

I have never ending problems with Mathematica animation since Version 6.
This takes the forms:

1) Sometimes (maybe about 10% if the time) an animation will 'stick' without
finishing or repeating.

2) It does not seem possible to control the actual number of points or
evaluations in the animation.

3) The documentation for the control of timing and precise steps is quite
poor and this may be a reflection of actual buggy animation routines.


Here is an example using Trigger, which is a kind of once-through animation.
I am using an integer range, 0 to 10 in steps of 1. I would therefore like
to have exactly 11 evaluations. But I always get an extra evaluation at the
end, and even worse I often obtain repeat evaluations for some intermediate
value. The following displays the value of n, the number of evaluations, and
the actual list of n values for the evaluations.


Module[{n = 0, nevals = 0, nlist = {}, calcnevals},

 calcnevals[] := 

  If[n == 0, nevals = 1; nlist = {n}, nevals = nevals + 1; 

   nlist = Append[nlist, n]];

 {Trigger[Dynamic[n, (n = #; calcnevals[]) &], {0, 10, 1}],

  Dynamic[n], Dynamic[nevals], Dynamic[nlist]}



The following uses DisplayAllSteps -> True but seems to have the same


Module[{n = 0, nevals = 0, nlist = {}, calcnevals},

 calcnevals[] := 

  If[n == 0, nevals = 1; nlist = {n}, nevals = nevals + 1; 

   nlist = Append[nlist, n]];

 {Trigger[Dynamic[n, (n = #; calcnevals[]) &], {0, 10, 1}, 

   DisplayAllSteps -> True],

  Dynamic[n], Dynamic[nevals], Dynamic[nlist]}



Do other users see these kind of problems, especially repeat evaluations for
some values of n?


David Park

djmpark at



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