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Barchart number output

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101329] Barchart number output
  • From: Lobotomy <labbman at>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 06:36:09 -0400 (EDT)


i have a barchart and the form is something like this...

BarChart[{y = 2000 + 500},  PlotLabel -> Style["$ per month required:
", Bold], NumberForm[N[y], {6,0}]]

i want it to say "$ per month required: 2500"

in this case. the real function y is much more complex and includes
variables... why does not the above work?

The reason is either my way of defining the function. im not sure if
you just can put a "y=" in front of it and then use the y in another
place... otherwise it is the NumberForm which is not in the correct
way. please help

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