Re: Calculate n in binomial distribution
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg101626] Re: Calculate n in binomial distribution
- From: ADL <alberto.dilullo at>
- Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 23:27:58 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <h229dp$i0v$> <h3768k$fb1$>
I also think there is a bug, but it is in NMinimize. In fact, the Help says: "If Minimize is given an expression containing approximate numbers, it automatically calls NMinimize". Actually, you can check that: Minimize[{(cf[n, 2/10, 7] - 3/10)^2, n > 0}, {n}, Integers] will return unevaluated and Minimize cannot even deal with this expression. Moreover, the following can be seen: [$Version=7.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 18, 2009]: In[1]:= cf[n_, p_, k_] = CDF[BinomialDistribution[n, p], k]; In[2]:= NMinimize[{(cf[n, 2/10, 7] - 3/10)^2, n > 0}, {n}] Out[2]= {6.63109378289971*10^-23,{n->44.8977440651266}} (*OK*) In[3]:= NMinimize[{(cf[n, 2/10, 7] - 3/10)^2, n > 1}, {n}] Out[3]= {0.489999957269396,{n->1.36847214846574}} (*Surprising !*) In[4]:= NMinimize[{(cf[n, 2/10, 7] - 3/10)^2, n > 2}, {n}] Out[4]= {0.489999990680824,{n->3.47886234486239}} (*Surprising !*) In[5]:= NMinimize[{(cf[n, 2/10, 7] - 3/10)^2, n > 5}, {n}] Out[5]= {2.77333911991762*10^-32,{n->44.8977440654531}} (*OK*) In[6]:= NMinimize[{(cf[n, 2/10, 7] - 3/10)^2, n > 7}, {n}] (*Produces a Beep and crashes the Kernel !*) New Kernel: In[1]:= cf[n_, p_, k_] = CDF[BinomialDistribution[n, p], k]; In[2]:= NMinimize[{(cf[n, 2/10, 7] - 3/10)^2, n < 100}, {n}] Out[2]= {2.77333911991762*10^-32,{n->44.8977440654531}} (*OK*) So: 1) NMinimize just explores a small region around the limit of the inequality n>M for M>0, but looks everywhere when n>0 is specified (so that two differen algorithms are used) 2) Appears to works more reproducibly if an upper limit is specified (e.g. n<M) 3) Has some inexplicable serious internal problem for some situations (e.g. n>7) Some comments by WRI specialist on this behavior could be helpful. ADL On Jul 10, 12:47 pm, dh <d... at> wrote: > Hi Peter, > > I think there is a bug in Minimize for the Integer domain. Consider: > > Minimize[(x - 6.1)^2, x, Integers] giving: {1.21, {x -> 5}} > > Minimize[(x - 6.)^2, x, Integers] giving: {1., {x -> 5}} > > Minimize[(x - 6)^2, x, Integers] giving: {0, {x -> 6}} > > Minimize seems to have problems mixing integers and reals. I think you > > should report this to Wolfram. > > Daniel > > > > Peter Breitfeld wrote: > > Suppose I have the following distribution: > > > cf[n_,p_,k_]=CDF[BinomialDistribution[n,p],k] > > > Now I want to calculate n so that the biggest n such that e.g. > > > cf[n,0.2,7]<0.3 > > > I made a ListPlot > > > ListPlot[Abs[cf[#,0.2,7]-0.3]&/@Range[60]], where I see, that a value o= f > > about n=46 gives an approximation nearest to 0.3 > > > To get this value of n I tried > > > Minimize[{Abs[cf[n,0.2,7]-0.3],n>7},n,Integers] > > > Out: {0.699765, {n->11}} > > > which is obviously wrong. > > > Why? > > > Is it, because Abs isn't differentiable at the peak? > > > I tried other ways too, like Reduce NMinimize, FindMinimum, but no succ= ess.