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[bug] exporting GraphicsRow of ListLogLogPlot does not work when

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101721] [bug] exporting GraphicsRow of ListLogLogPlot does not work when
  • From: nikt2 at
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 07:10:03 -0400 (EDT)

Please try in Mathematica 7:

k=GraphicsRow[{ListLogLogPlot[{{1,10000},{35,2}}]}]; Export["aaa.eps",k]

And try to open the "aaa.eps" file. It will contain no plot. The same 
happens when you choose different format than eps.
Now try the same but change second element of a list to {35,2000} and see 
that it will work!

In both cases plot is displayed inside of Mathematica 'notebook' 
correctly. It is the export that fails.

>From experimenting I figured out that export does not work when the scale 
on y axis becomes labelled in scientific form (eg 1 x 10^4). As long 
as the scale is labeled in a plain way (eg 10000) the export works.

Removing GraphicsRow helps, but I want to stack figures, this was 
just a toy example with one element in a row.

Setting ticks manually also helps, eg this works:



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