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Re: Re: Add syntax highlighting to own command

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101917] Re: [mg101899] Re: Add syntax highlighting to own command
  • From: Leonid Shifrin <lshifr at>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 06:24:53 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <h3766u$f9h$>

Hi Bastian,

Some comments:

1. About variable renaming in SetDelayed: this happens sometimes
if SetDelayed in lexically scoped inside some other scoping constructs
(Module, With, Function). For example:

In[1] = Module[{a,b},ff[a_,b_]:=a^2+b^2]

In[2] = ?ff

Out[2] =



No renaming in this case - the formal parameters a,b in SetDelayed
completely shadowed the Module variables, and the r.h.s does not
reference any other local variables. Now:

In[3] =


In[4] =


Out[4] =



Mathematica seems to be rather aggressive in variable renaming, doing
it also in cases when it is not strictly necessary, like the last one - but
this should be ok as long as we don't assume that variable names in
scoping constructs will keep exactly those symbolic values we give them.
This makes sense to me, since they are really "dummy" variables and
reliance on their exact symbolic name seems conceptually wrong to me (this
does not refer to Block).

Let me repeat once again, that SetDelayed (or, more correctly, RuleDelayed)
is different from other scoping constructs in that it will not rename its
variables in they conflict with local variables in scopes *inner* to
(RuleDelayed) - or at least this is my current understanding of it.

2. Your workaround:

Verbatim[ SetDelayed ][ l_,
   Let[ v_, Verbatim[ Condition ][ r_, c_ ] ]
 ] ^:=
   Let[ v,
     SetDelayed[ #, r /; c ] & @ ToExpression @ #
   ] & @ ToString[ l, InputForm ]

is interesting and quite inventive, but still not completely satisfactory in
my view. The point is that it solves one problem - how to "hide" the content
of the l.h.s. until the variable collision resolution is done - and thus
your variables will not be renamed. By the way, let me digress a bit: since
the heart of this code is in hiding the argument of SetDelayed from the
outer With
(which will be there once one iteration of Let gets executed), the following
does exactly the same and does not require ToString-ToExpression cycle:

Verbatim[SetDelayed][l_, LetB[v_, Verbatim[Condition][r_, c_]]] ^:=
 Module[{a}, LetB[v, Unevaluated[SetDelayed[a, r /; c]] /. a :>  l]];

Anyways, while this does solve one problem, it does not solve another, more
subtle one: it is difficult to implement UpValues with SetDelayed and
Condition ourselves. There are internal heads RuleCondition and
$ConditionHold, which get executed when we execute scoping constructs
with conditions attached - we don't want this to happen prematurely.

Taking your code (I renamed Let to LetB):

In[5] =

SetAttributes[LetB, HoldAll];
SyntaxInformation[LetB] = {"ArgumentsPattern" -> {_, _}};

Verbatim[SetDelayed][l_, LetB[v_, Verbatim[Condition][r_, c_]]] ^:=
  LetB[v, SetDelayed[#, r /; c] &@ToExpression@#] &@
   ToString[l, InputForm];

LetB[{}, expr_] := expr;
LetB[{head_}, expr_] := With[{head}, expr];
LetB[{head_, tail__}, expr_] := With[{head}, LetB[{tail}, expr]];

In[6] =


In[7] =


Out[7]  =



So far so good, although the nested With-s are gone.


In[8] =
f[x_,y_]:=LetB [{xl=x,yl=y+xl+1},Print["*"];(xl^2+yl^2/;(xl+yl<15))];

In[9] =


Out[9] =


Not good, in my view. My version does this IMO more consistently:

In[10] =

SetAttributes[LetL, HoldAll];
LetL /:
  Verbatim[SetDelayed][lhs_, rhs : HoldPattern[LetL[{__}, _]]] :=
   Attributes[With] = {HoldAll};
   lhs := Evaluate[rhs]];
LetL[{}, expr_] := expr;
LetL[{head_}, expr_] := With[{head}, expr];
LetL[{head_, tail__}, expr_] :=
   Attributes[With] = {HoldAll};
   With[{head}, Evaluate[LetL[{tail}, expr]]]];

In[11] =

f[x_,y_]:=LetL [{xl=x,yl=y+xl+1},Print["*"];(xl^2+yl^2/;(xl+yl<15))];

In[12] =

Out[12] =




The reason why my version works is that, with the use of the Block trick,
LetL is really a macro and works at "compile - time" - it is exactly
to enter the nested With by hand - it really writes code for us. So, when
SetDelayed is called, the system sees nested With with condition attached,
and keeps both defs.

3. ToString - ToExpression cycles - my personal opinion: I went through the
stage when I was using them extensively as a cheap substitute for more
complex expressions involving Evaluate, Unevaluated, Hold and the like. I
try not to do it anymore in systematic programming. I think it is not a good
style, in particular it undermines possible introspection of the code, and a
few other reasons. If you need to keep code unevaluated just once, use
Unevaluated. If
you need to insert it held in some expression, use, for example, a
combination of local Hold-like wrapper and rules, something like

Attributes[myHold] = HoldAll
With[{heldcode = myHold[code]},

Or wrap everything in Hold and massage your expression into the
form you want, releasing Hold at the end. This is cleaner. Also, while
I did not do systematic benchmarks to investigate this particular issue,
on general grounds I would expect a performance hit when using
ToString - ToExpression cycles, as compared to non-standard evaluation

This is not to say that I am not using this technique - it is quite useful
at times. I just try to use it only when it has a clear advantage in terms
code length, development time, readability etc.

4. Block trick

This is a very powerful but also potentially dangerous use of dynamic
scoping provided by Block. It makes virtually every Mathematica symbol, even

built-in protected symbols, to temporarily "forget" many of global
associated with it, such as global rules of various kind and attributes. The

interesting part is that it does this even with built-ins, whose global
we can not otherwise affect, other than defining our own on top of them.
Symbols with Locked attribute can not be Blocked.

Block trick is dangerous since it will block your symbol for an entire
execution stack enclosed in Block, that is, in all functions that may
be called during this execution. One has to control very well the execution
stack of the computation on which Block trick is used, to use it safely.
This is especially true if some system symbol is Blocked, since part of
code for the system functions is written in Mathematica itself, and we
don't know what internal code will be modified by Block in this case.
You can even corrupt Mathematica kernel in subtle ways for a given
session by doing this carelessly - this happened to me a few times,
I can only wish good luck with debugging for a poor person who gets
into this situation.

Probably the most common use of Block trick is to change the order of
evaluation in ways complex enough that the standard Unevaluated - Evaluated
- Hold - etc machinery becomes cumbersome. I tend to consider  Block trick,
used in this manner, as a prototyping tool only, in all cases when the
Block-ed head is known at "compile - time" - in all such cases it is
possible (although may be not as easy) to convert the code to  Unevaluated -
Evaluated - Hold - etc style.

There are also  less trivial  uses for it, for which I think it is more
In my version of Let, its usefulness is magnified by recursion, where it
guarantees that With will "forget about itself" in function definitions
the r.h.s of the def is formed, no matter how many levels of With are
But certainly this could have been accomplished without Block as well.

Hope this helps.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Bastian Erdnuess <earthnut at> wrote:

> Leonid Shifrin <lshifr at> wrote:
> > Hi Bastian,
> >
> > If I understand you correctly and the last rule you added
> >
> > ( Let /: ( lhs_ := Let[ vars_, expr_ /; cond_ ] ) :=
> >      Let[ vars, lhs := expr /; cond ])
> >
> > is to allow shared local variables in function definitions (like with
> > standard With, Module or Block), then your code does not work for me.
> Yes, you are (and understood me) right.
> > Consider the following definition:
> > [...]
> > f[x_, y_] :=
> >   Let[{xl = x, yl = y + xl + 1}, xl^2 + yl^2 /; (xl + yl < 15)];
> I tried first something different than I actually posted.  I thought
> then I could write it different.  But somehow I must have forgotten to
> test it correctly.
> However, also with my original version (something like
>  f_[ l_, Let[ r_ ] ] := bla[ l := r ] /; f == SetDelayed  )
> I would have gotten about
>  f[ x$_, y$_ ] := x^2 + (1 + x + y)^2 /; 1 + 2x + y < 15  .
> I didn't recognized that the local variables in f get renamed.
> > I can think of  several reasons why this does not work, and will expand
> this
> > discussion if  you will be interested, but here is the version that I
> > believe does work:
> Now, I can too.  But if you want to explain some of your reasons, i'll
> hear.
> I also found a trick to get around the renaming problem (using your
> Verbatim instead of mine f_[...] /; f == ...):
>  Verbatim[ SetDelayed ][ l_,
>    Let[ v_, Verbatim[ Condition ][ r_, c_ ] ]
>  ] ^:=
>    Let[ v,
>      SetDelayed[ #, r /; c ] & @ ToExpression @ #
>    ] & @ ToString[ l, InputForm ]
> This passes basically the left hand side as string around the issue with
> the renaming.
> The last days I often figured out that that what I think of as "syntax
> transformation" or Simon called "passing unevaluated arguments around"
> works best by passing the things around as strings.  Are there
> disadvantages doing that?  I could imagine that this might be not the
> best if one wants to compile the source -- but so far I'm far away from
> starting to try to understand Mathematicas compiler.
> > [ Block trick ]
> > This uses the Block trick. It is actually a true macro, since
> > it expands the code before SetDelayed acts on it:
> That seems to be a nice trick.  Thank you for showing that.  I need to
> think a little bit about that to decide if I like it for this situation.
> Regards,
> Bastian

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