MathGroup Archive 2009

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list of arbitrary length n from user input

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg102009] list of arbitrary length n from user input
  • From: human42 <humanengr at>
  • Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 03:56:08 -0400 (EDT)

How might one most efficiently generate the following expressions to
an arbitrary extent n (to be input by the user in a Manipulate}:

d = d /. {a -> b[[c1]]}

d = d /. {{a -> b[[c1]]}, {a -> b[[c2]]}}

and so on to

d = d /. {{a -> b[[c1]]}, {a -> b[[c2]]}}, ..., {a -> b[[cn]]}}

for context, n is first used to generate a list of values:
b = Rationalize[Table[b0 + i*d, {i, 0, n - 1}]]


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