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Re: How can I get the previous Fibonacci calculated

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100312] Re: How can I get the previous Fibonacci calculated
  • From: "David W. Cantrell" <DWCantrell at>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 07:04:39 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gvtmjh$giu$>

Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at> wrote:
> prevFib[x_] := Module[{m, n, x2},
>   x2 = SetPrecision[x, 100];
>   If[x > 10^15,
>    N[x/GoldenRatio],
>    m = (n /. FindRoot[Fibonacci[n] - x2 == 0, {n, 100},
>         WorkingPrecision -> 100]) - 1;
>    If[Abs[m - Round[m]] < 10^-10,
>     Fibonacci[Round[m]],
>     N[Fibonacci[m]]]]]
> prevFib[13]
> 8
> prevFib[Fibonacci[50]] == Fibonacci[49]
> True
> prevFib[Fibonacci[10000]] == Fibonacci[9999]
> True
> prevFib[Fibonacci[20000]] == Fibonacci[19999]
> True
> prevFib[234.34*^10]
> 1.4483008492365037*^12

But that's not a Fibonacci number! I suggest

n = 234.34*^10;
inv = Round[Log[GoldenRatio, Sqrt[(Sqrt[5]*n + Sqrt[5*n^2 - 4])*
        (Sqrt[5]*n + Sqrt[5*n^2 + 4])]/2]];
Fibonacci[inv - 1]


I am guessing that the OP actually wants to find the Fibonacci number which
immediately precedes a given _Fibonacci number_. If that guess is correct,
that is, if n is actually supposed to be a Fibonacci number, then my inv
will always work correctly for n >= 2.

But CAUTION:  If n is not a Fibonacci number, then my method may give an
incorrect answer. In the example, 234.34*^10 is not a Fibonacci number and
so there was no guarantee that my method would give the correct result,
although it happened to do so.

David W. Cantrell

> ---- ratulloch at wrote:
> =============
> Greetings
> How can I get a previous Fibonacci calculated number in a specific
> range.  I can calculate the previous number of phi see below
> phi1 =(1+sqrt(5))/2
> 13/phi1
> I tested it with 13 and got 8.034441857 that works
> but how can I get only the previous numbers of Fibonacci in a
> specified range from 20 to 20000 if I input a large number like
> 234.34e10
> tia sal2

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