Re: Indexed Slot in a Rule - How to do it??
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg100326] Re: Indexed Slot in a Rule - How to do it??
- From: Simon <simonjtyler at>
- Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 07:07:17 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <gvtme0$gct$>
Hi again, you got me a bit curious about this... so here's what I've got now: First, a function to find all symbols of the form symb followed by something. This could be streamlined and generalised a bit... In[1]:= findSymbols[symb_String,expr_]:=findSymbols [{symb,CharacterRange["0","9"]},expr] In[2]:= findSymbols[{symb_String,exts:{__String}},expr_]:=Module[{x}, x=Union@Flatten@FixedPoint[Apply[List,#,\[Infinity]]&,expr]; x=SymbolName[#]&/@Select[Flatten[x],Head[#]===Symbol&]; Symbol/@Select[x,StringMatchQ[#,symb~~exts..]&]] In[3]:= test={x1,x2,x2a+x33,E^x5,Sin[x1 x2+x3 x4]} In[4]:= findSymbols["x",test] findSymbols[{"x",{"2","a"}},test] Out[4]= {x1,x2,x3,x33,x4,x5} Out[5]= {x2,x2a} Then a function that takes the expression, extracts the relevant symbols and turns it into the type of function that you wanted In[6]:= T[expr_]:=Apply[Function[Evaluate@findSymbols ["x",expr],Evaluate@expr],#]& In[7]:= T[test]@{a,b,c,d,e,f} Out[7]= {a,b,d+x2a,E^f,Sin[a b+c e]} Simon