Re: Image[], Graphics[Raster[]]
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg100338] Re: Image[], Graphics[Raster[]]
- From: "Luc Barthelet" <luc at>
- Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 07:09:33 -0400 (EDT)
I think that the documentation on how to integrate graphics and images from the new image processing features in V7 is not to par with the rest of the documentation. Image Processing feels a bit of an orphan in V7, it makes sense, since it is new. Some suggestions: 1- guide/CombiningGraphics could show how to use an image in a Graphics[] or as a background of a plot 3 - "Basic Image Processing tutorial ", "Image", "Import" could demonstrate our to mix images and graphics 2- "Import","Show","Graphics","Inset" documentations could explain more clearly that Import[filename,"Graphics"] will import a file the old way and show examples of integration. Luc -----Original Message----- From: Jens-Peer Kuska [mailto:kuska at] Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2009 3:33 AM To: mathgroup at Subject: [mg100338] [mg100284] Re: Image[], Graphics[Raster[]] Hi, > > 1. Is Image[] any different than Graphics[Raster[]] that I'm more > accustomed to? No it has a fixed data range, i.e., "Byte" is [0,255], "Real" [0,1] while Graphics[Raster[]] can handle undestructive every thing. > > 2. If not, what was the point of introducing Image[]? Was it any effort to > provide a more streamlined set of commands all revolving around Image[], > e.g., ImageRotate[], etc.? The reason was a faster display of the bitmap. With fixed data range the FE don't have to do a scaling of every pixel. > > > 3. Image[] somehow upsets my unified view of Mathematica. That is, I like > to try to "think" like Mathematica, and so I understand that all commands > like Plot[], ListPlot[], etc., reduce to a Graphics[] object in > FullForm[]. Similarly, I can build my own type of plotting function with > Graphics[]. Most importantly, I can combine many different types of > objects into a single Graphics[]. Am I correct that Image[] represents > then a completely new display object? If so, is there a way, for example, > to have an Image[] and then draw across it with an Epilog rule like you > can do with Graphics[]? It seems a major setback if Image[] and Graphics[] > cannot be readily mixed. > Oh mixing is easy: img = Import[""] Graphics[ {Image`ToGraphicsRaster[img][[1]], Circle[{110.5, 110.5}, 10]}] draw a circle on the image. > Anyone out there to make the case that Image[] represents an important new > capability? No, it make many things more complicated, and a lot of image processing tasks impossible -- registration for example .. I see it as a little worse than the usual "new command that > does same thing old stuff did" because it seems to lose the capability to > mix Graphics[] and Image[]. > > Please inform me if I'm completely off base. As I said, I'm just digging > into Image[] now for the first time, and I'm a bit confused about possible > merits---please do inform! There is no merit, it make many things worse than the original Graphics[Raster[]] Regards Jens