Reverse Geocoding code
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg100374] Reverse Geocoding code
- From: "Coleman, Mark" <Mark.Coleman at>
- Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 06:43:19 -0400 (EDT)
Greetings, Periodically I use Mathematica to help with geospatial analysis. Recently, Google Maps added the ability to reverse geocode an address, that is, translate a human readable street address into the corresponding lat-long coordinates (within a reasonable degree of specificity). Here is some Mathematica code to do this: reverseGeoCode[{lat_,long_},outputType_]:= Module[{apiKey,baseURL,qAddress,qAddressFinal,finalURL,geoRes}, apiKey="PUT YOUR KEY HERE"; baseURL=""; qAddressFinal=StringJoin[ToString[lat],",",ToString[long]]; finalURL=baseURL<>"q="<>qAddressFinal<>"&output="<>outputType<>"&"<= >"key ="<>apiKey; geoRes=ToExpression["{"<>Import[finalURL]<>"}"]; geoRes ]; This essentially involves converting the lat-long code to a string, then composing the appropriate URL to invoke the Google web service. This is trivial in Mathematica (I'm running v7) and, in my experience, a great way to highlight the power of Mathematica to my business colleages (when I'm not rotating a 3-d graphic for them!) Please note that in order to run this code, you need to have a Google-issued API Key (I've removed my key from the above code -- just replace it with yours). The keys are free and give you access to Google's online web services. I've found that performance is generally pretty good, thought Google does place a limit on how many times you can call this service during a 24 hour period (the number is around 5000 per IP Address). So if you have a large number of addresses to reverse geocode, this may not be the most efficient way to do so. Also, this works quite well for U.S. lat-long coordinates. I have not tested it for other countries. As an example: In[72]:= computeLatLong[{"100 Trade Center Drive", "Champaign", "IL" ,"61820-7237"}, "csv"] Out[72]= {200, 8, 40.0971, -88.2456} For information the Google Maps API, please see: Cheers! Mark S. Coleman Claims Research & Development Personal Market Claims Mark.Coleman at Boston: (617) 654-4572 SDN: 8-654-4572 Portsmouth: (603) 245-5003 NOTICE: The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is intended by Liberty Mutual for the use of the named individual or entity to which it is directed and may contain information that is privileged or otherwise confidential. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or forwarding it, and notify the sender of the error by reply e-mail or by telephone (collect), so that the sender's address records can be corrected.