Re: MergeSort with replacerepeated
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg100536] Re: MergeSort with replacerepeated
- From: lshifr at
- Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 05:01:32 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <h0d6q8$som$>
Hi Luca, you got me interested. Here is a result: Clear[toLinkedList]; toLinkedList[x_List] := Fold[{#2, #1} &, {}, Reverse[x]]; Module[{h}, Clear[mergeLinked]; mergeLinked[x_h, y_h] := {x, y, h[]} //. {{fst : h[hA_, tA_h], sec : h[hB_, tB_h], e_h} :> If[hA > hB, {tA, sec, h[hA, e]}, {fst, tB, h[hB, e]}], {fst : h[hA_, _h], h[], e_h} :> h[hA, e], {h[], sec : h[hB_, _h], e_h} :> h[hB, e]}; Clear[sort]; sort[lst_List] := Flatten[ Map[h[#, h[]] &, lst] //. x_List :> Flatten[ {toLinkedList@x, {}} //. {{hd1_, {hd2_, tail_List}}, accum_List} :> {tail, {accum, Last[h[mergeLinked[hd1, hd2], h[]] //. h[h[hd_, tl_h], acc_h] :> h[tl, h[hd, acc]]]}}], Infinity, h]]; The usage: sort[yourlist] This is a linked list - based implementation that will give you an expected log-linear performance of mergesort and has a lot of ReplaceRepeated in it:). I think it is a good case to show that ReplaceRepeated *can* be used efficiently. In this case, this is achieved by using linked lists and organizing results so that the very first attempt of the pattern-matcher is always a match, so it does not waste time on false matching attempts (this is a main source of inefficiency of straightforwardly written code involving ReplaceRepeated). Merging already sorted lists is done by transforming them into linked lists with a head <h>, while collecting sublists pairwise to merge each pair is done by transforming the list of already merged sublists into a linked list with a "normal" head List. The last (most internal) ReplaceRepeated is used to reverse the merged sub-list (well, not really list - linked list with a head <h>) since <mergeLinked> does not produce it in the right order to use in the next iterations. Of course, this is (in this case at least) an academic exercise, since the built-in Sort is vastly faster. Anyway, enjoy! Regards, Leonid On Jun 6, 12:45 am, Luca <w... at> wrote: > Hi > I have to write a mathematica function, using replace repeated, th= at realizes mergesort. > > I've already written the mergesort function, but not with replace repeate= d. Any hint on that? > > Thank you