Help with FindMinimum
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg100578] Help with FindMinimum
- From: "versianeleao at" <versianeleao at>
- Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 03:05:04 -0400 (EDT)
Dear Coleagues I'm trying to write a code to solve an heterogeneous kinetics problem where the effective mass transferr coefficient (Deff), the reaction order (n) and the reaction rate (kRQ) ares simultaneously solved. In doing that an non linear equation should be solved inside a FindMinimum rotine where the values of "Deff", "kRQ" and "n" are fitted to the experimental data. The problem code is presented below but it is not working. Does anyone konw how to sort it out? R0 = Sqrt[45*37]/2.0*10^-6 \[Rho] = 2.500 (* Kg/m^3 *) ConNaOH = 6000. (* moles/m^3 *) extra=E7=E3o = ReadList["silicato NaOH-80oC.txt", Number, RecordLists -> True]; pontos = ListPlot[extra=E7=E3o, PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.012]] X[t_] = k1*t^2 + k2 *t + k3 ajuste1 = \!\( \*UnderoverscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(i = 1\), \(Length[extra=E7=E3o]\)] \*SuperscriptBox[\((X[extra=E7=E3o[[i, 1]]] - extra=E7=E3o[[i, 2]])\), \(2\)]\); d1 = FindMinimum[ajuste1, {k1, k2, k3}] {minimo1, argumento1} = d1 argumento1 XE = X[t] /. argumento1 extra=E7=E3o1 = extra=E7=E3o deriv = D[XE, t] For[j = 1, j <= Length[extra=E7=E3o], j++, extra=E7=E3o1[[j, 2]] = XE /. t -> extra=E7=E3o[[j, 1]]] modelo1 = ListPlot[extra=E7=E3o1, PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.015], Joined -> True] Show[pontos, modelo1] F = Fa = extra=E7=E3o; For[j = 1, j <= Length[extra=E7=E3o], j++, Fa[[j, 2]] = -4/3*\[Pi]*R0^3*\[Rho]*deriv /. t -> extra=E7=E3o[[j, 1]] ] Print[Fa] alfa = Table[0, {i, 1, Length[extra=E7=E3o]}] \[Alpha]1 = Table[(1 - extra=E7=E3o[[i, 2]])^(2/3), {i, 1, Length[extra=E7=E3o]}] \[Alpha]2 = Table[(1 - extra=E7=E3o[[i, 2]])^(1/3), {i, 1, Length[extra=E7=E3o]}] dados = Table[Fa[[i, 2]], {i, 1, Length[extra=E7=E3o]}] \[Sigma] = Table[FindRoot[\[Theta]/( 4 \[Pi]*kRQ*\[Alpha]1[[i]]) + (ConNaOH + \[Theta]/(4\[Pi]*Deff*\ [Alpha]1[[i]]))^n == 0, {\[Theta], 1}], {i, 1, Length[extra=E7=E3o]}] Print[\[Sigma]] alfa = \[Theta] /. \[Sigma] ajuste2 = \!\( \*UnderoverscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(i = 1\), \(Length[extra=E7=E3o]\)] \*SuperscriptBox[\((alfa[[i]] - dados[[i]])\), \(2\)]\); d2 = FindMinimum[ajuste2, {kRQ, 10, 20}, {Deff, 1*10^-9, 1}, {n, 1., 2}]