MathGroup Archive 2009

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Presentation quick with grid and pasted graphic

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100678] Presentation quick with grid and pasted graphic
  • From: Adam Weyhaupt <aweyhau at>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 20:35:56 -0400 (EDT)

I trying to create a presentation (slide show) using Mathematica  
7.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.4.11 for the first time.

I am using the default stylesheet.  On the first slide, I inserted a  
1x2 grid (using the "classroom assistant" palette).  On the left hand  
side of the grid I typed some text.  When I do so, the background of  
the grid turns beige.  On the right hand side of the grid I copied  
and pasted a 3D rotatable graphic (a cube obtained from PolyhedronData 
["Cube"]).  Again, the background is beige.  When I click somewhere  
else not on the grid, the background turns white.  Then, when I view  
the slide in slideshow mode, the grid background is white.  However,  
if I rotate the graphic, the background of the grid becomes beige,  
and I am unable to return it to white by clicking off the grid.   
Clicking somewhere else returns only the text side to white but not  
the graphic side.

The result is a poor looking presentation.  Do any of you have any  
suggestions for avoiding this behavior?  Is there a preferred method  
for placing text and graphics side by side?

Thanks for your help,


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