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FITS format and Mathematica 6

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100832] FITS format and Mathematica 6
  • From: anguzman at
  • Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 05:38:02 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gr0glf$96a$> <h0vtov$79r$>

I am very puzzled by the way Mathematica imports and exports data in 
FITS format, I hope that somebody could give some guidance here.
I work with data in FITS format. For some reason, in the first release 
of Math 6 apparently there were no way of getting the full header of 
an image. This was fixed in the  6.0.2 version which I have now (I=B4m 
not sure about the numeration) with the "Metadata" option in Import, 
option that it is documentated only in the webpage, not in my 
Documentation Center.

Well, whatever, going to my question:
How can I write a fits file with my own header?
This does not work:


where the variable "header" is the "Metadata" of another fits file
Actually, I can not export any fits file with a  header different 
respect to the default one. (You can examine the header of a fits file 
in a text editor)
Maybe "Metadata" is not an "Element" of the file..?? but:

    {"Airmass", "Author", "BitDepth", "ColorSpace", "Comments", "Data", \
     "DataType", "Declination", "Device", "Equinox", "ExposureTime", \
     "Graphics", "History", "HourAngle", "ImageSize", "Metadata", \
     "Object", "ObservationDate", "Observer", "Organization", "Plaintext", \
     "Range", "RawData", "Reference", "RightAscension", "SiderealTime", \
     "TableData", "TableHeaders", "TableUnits", "Telescope"}

Thanks in advance for any help.
Atte. Andres Guzman
$Version   6.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 7, 2008)
ps. by the way, these features where handled (not very neatly, but 
effectively) in version 5.2 with  ConversionOptions->{"Verbose"->True}

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