Piechart labels Mathematica 7
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg97339] Piechart labels Mathematica 7
- From: "jackie.lu" <jackielu at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 04:24:08 -0500 (EST)
Hello all, I'm creating pie charts with sector labels but unfortunately the labels are partially hidden by the next section of the pie chart because the slice itself is rather narrow. Is there a way to place labels such that the label for a narrow slice isn't partially obscured by the next one? I've searched the documentation and the forum but haven't been able to figure this out. This is the code I'm using. varAFreq={{"Alive", 41169}, {"Dead", 1916}, {"Missing", 2009}}; PieChart[varAFreq[[All, 2]], ImageSize -> Medium, ChartStyle -> {LightGreen, Red, LightRed}, PlotLabel -> Column[{Style["Phase I Trees", Bold, 14], Style[Row[{" (", NumberForm[Total[varAFreq[[All, 2]]], DigitBlock -> 3], " trees surveyed)"}], Italic, 14]}], ChartLabels -> Placed[N[varAFreq[[All, 2]]/Total[varAFreq[[All, 2]]]*100] "%", "RadialCallout", Style[NumberForm[#, {3, 1}], 12] &], SectorOrigin -> {.5 Pi, -1}, LabelingFunction -> (Placed[ Style[NumberForm[#, DigitBlock -> 3], Italic, 12], "RadialCenter"] &)] Thank you in advance! -jackie