Re: Got a tip ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg97889] Re: Got a tip ?
- From: yatesd at
- Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 05:41:08 -0500 (EST)
- References: <gq7jbp$qgp$>
I presume your arguments are strings (and not symbols). Also, I assume that you wish ultimately to return a list of numbers (not strings). So, for example, f["a"] gives {1} (not {"1"}) and f["za"] gives {26,1} (not {"26","1"}), in which case, the following might be what you are after. With[ {rules = Thread[CharacterRange["a", "z"] -> Range[26]]}, f[input_String] := List @@ StringReplace[input, rules] ]; The "With" and "rules =" are to avoid having to evaluate the rules every time you call the function. If you look at Information[f] after having evaluated my line of code, you will see what I mean. The main part of the function is a string replace, which converts all letters between "a" and "z" to the integers 1 through 26. Note that StringReplace will return either a String or a StringExpression, so you need to change the head to List if that is what you ultimately want (this only works if there really was at least one letter from "a" to "z" in the input). Note that capitals will not get transformed. You can change the StringReplace to be StringReplace [input,rules,IgnoreCase->True] if you want to include capitals. Any other characters will just be returned in the list as strings. You can add rules to cover them if you wish. For example, if you wanted all other characters to be returned as the integer 0, then you could define the function as: With[ { rules = Join[ Thread[CharacterRange["a", "z"] -> Range[26]] , {_- >0} ] }, f[input_String] := List @@ StringReplace[input, rules,IgnoreCase- >True] ]; Hope that helps, Derek