animation in version 7.0 looks bad
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg97952] animation in version 7.0 looks bad
- From: Dan Dubin <ddubin at>
- Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 05:23:31 -0500 (EST)
Folks -- maybe its just my old mac ( a G4 967 MHz) but animations just don't look very good when using Animate or ListAnimate in Mathematica Version 7.0.1. This is particularly true if the plots in the animation are at all complicated. The animations run rather slowly and look jumpy. It works better if I use the old method of grouping a series of plots and then doing apple-Y . An example is given below -- two different modes of animation, one using ListAnmate and the other producing the same plots that must then be animated "by hand" using "Animate Selected Graphics". On my machine the second method looks much smoother and also runs faster. How do I get Animate and/or ListAnimate to give better-looking output (besides going out and buying a new machine)? \[Psi][x_, t_] = Exp[-(x - t)^2/(2 (1 + t))]/Sqrt[1 + t]; ListAnimate[ Table[Plot[\[Psi][x, t], {x, -2, 10}, AxesLabel -> {"x", " "}, Ticks -> False, PlotLabel -> "t = " <> ToString[t], PlotRange -> {0, 1}], {t, 0., 10, 1}], DisplayAllSteps -> True, AnimationRate -> 5]; Do[Print[ Plot[\[Psi][x, t], {x, -2, 10}, AxesLabel -> {"x", " "}, Ticks -> False, PlotLabel -> "t = " <> ToString[t], PlotRange -> {0, 1}]], {t, 0., 10, 1}] -- --------------- | Professor Dan Dubin | Dept of Physics , Mayer Hall Rm 3531, | UC San Diego La Jolla CA 92093-0319 | phone (858) - 534-4174 fax: (858)-534-0173 | ddubin at