Followup question: Problem with parallel evaluation of integrals depending on a parameter
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg99878] Followup question: Problem with parallel evaluation of integrals depending on a parameter
- From: Alan Barhorst <alan.barhorst at>
- Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 02:30:49 -0400 (EDT)
Hello, I have done more experimentation and the problem is pronounced when I try to feed parallel kernels the things I need evaluated. Here is a session that shows how the order of when the grid point iterates for NIntegrate are applied to an interior integral. The help menu shows how to do what I want in the main kernel, but something about using ParallelEvaluate releases the hold on the NIntegrate before the place holder symbol is assigned a numerical value. Any help is appreciated. AB ________________________________________________________ Alan A. Barhorst, PhD, PE | alan.barhorst at Professor | Mechanical Engineering | Phone: 806-742-3563, ext 241 Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-1021 When leaders disregard the law and human dignity, kooks are emboldened; innocence lost. Human potential cannot be developed or measured from a floating moral reference frame. ________________________________________________________ ParallelEvaluate[$ProcessID] testfunc6[FF_, GG_] := Module[{xxx, yyy, ff, gg}, SetSharedFunction[ff, gg]; ParallelEvaluate[ff[x_] := FF[x]]; ParallelEvaluate[gg[x_] := GG[x]]; Print["ff[x]=", ff[x]]; Print["gg[x]=", gg[x]]; SetSharedFunction[xxx]; ParallelEvaluate[xxx[S_] := Integrate[Sin[ff[x]], {x, 0, S}] // N]; Print["xxx[.1]=", ParallelEvaluate[xxx[.1]]]; Print["xxx[.1]=", xxx[.1]]; Print["Int(xxx[S])=", ParallelEvaluate[Integrate[xxx[S], {S, 0, 1}] // N]]; (*here since the function is subscripted it must be defined in the base kernel as well*) SetSharedFunction[yyy]; yyy[S_] := Integrate[Cos[gg[x]], {x, 0, S}] // N; ParallelEvaluate[yyy[S_] := Integrate[Cos[gg[x]], {x, 0, S}] // N]; Print["yyy[1][.1]=", ParallelEvaluate[yyy[1][.1]]]; Print["yyy[1][.1]=", yyy[1][.1]]; Print["Int(yyy[1][S])=", ParallelEvaluate[Integrate[yyy[1][S], {S, 0, 1}] // N]]; UnsetShared["*"]; ] f1 = Interpolation[Table[{i, i}, {i, 0, 1, 1/2}]] f2 = 3 f1 testfunc6[f1, f2]