Copy error message from messages window to clipboard?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg100071] Copy error message from messages window to clipboard?
- From: "Karsten W." <Karsten.G.Weinert at>
- Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 23:37:59 -0400 (EDT)
Hello, is there a simple way to copy just the error message to the clipboard? If I mark the error message and right-click, then there is a Copy-As Menu. But for every format I try, I always get a very long string like MapThread::mptd: "\!\(\* StyleBox[\"\\\"Object \\\"\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[ RowBox [{\"ReadExcelSheets\", \"[\", RowBox[{DynamicBox[ToBoxes [FE`PelletMarket`ModelManager`Private`inputFile$$5, StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{434., {2., 9.}}], \",\", RowBox[{\"{\", RowBox[{\"\\ \"Akteure\\\"\", \",\", \"\\\"Verbrauch\\\"\", \",\", \"\\\"Produktion\ \\"\", \",\", \"\\\"Lieferbeziehungen\\\"\", \",\", \"\\\"Parameter\\ \"\"}], \"}\"}]}], \"]\"}], \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"\\\" at position {2, \\\"\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"2\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"\\\"} in \\\"\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[ RowBox [{\"MapThread\", \"[\", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{\"(\", RowBox [{\"#1\", \"=\", RowBox[{\"ToDataFunction\", \"[\", RowBox[{\"#2\", \",\", \"\\\"Id\\\"\"}], \"]\"}]}], \")\"}], \"&\"}], \",\", RowBox [{\"{\", RowBox[{ RowBox[{\"{\", RowBox[{\"AkteurData\", \",\", \"VerbrauchData\", \",\", \"ProduktionData\", \",\", \"BeziehungData \", \",\", \"ParameterData\"}], \"}\"}], \",\", RowBox [{\"ReadExcelSheets\", \"[\", RowBox[{DynamicBox[ToBoxes [FE`PelletMarket`ModelManager`Private`inputFile$$5, StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{434., {2., 9.}}], \",\", RowBox[{\"{\", RowBox[{\"\\ \"Akteure\\\"\", \",\", \"\\\"Verbrauch\\\"\", \",\", \"\\\"Produktion\ \\"\", \",\", \"\\\"Lieferbeziehungen\\\"\", \",\", \"\\\"Parameter\\ \"\"}], \"}\"}]}], \"]\"}]}], \"}\"}]}], \"]\"}], \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"\\\" has only \\\"\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"0\", \"MT \"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"\\\" of required \\\"\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"1\", \"MT\"]\)\!\(\* StyleBox[\"\"\", \"MT\"]\) dimensions which is not readable. Any help appreciated, Kind regards, Karsten.