Re: Dynamic Control of Graphics
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg105082] Re: Dynamic Control of Graphics
- From: dr DanW <dmaxwarren at>
- Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 06:39:28 -0500 (EST)
- References: <he0oae$4ov$>
Here is a function I wrote that creates a legend based on the tooltips on the functions being plotted. Each line swatch in the legend is a button that lets me dim (lower the opacity) or darken (opacity -> 1) the associated curve. I tried very hard to get this to work on the curves themselves (treating each curve as a button) but could never get it to work. However, I find this function is extremely useful, and I get many surprised gasps from the audience when I use it in a presentation. Not quite what you were looking for, but maybe you can use the technique. Code follows. Enjoy. -------------------- Attributes[DynamicLegend] = {HoldFirst}; DynamicLegend[(plotfnc_)[f_, args___, (opts___)?OptionQ]] := Module[{tags, ps, op, dim, makeLegend}, tags = Flatten[{f}][[All, 2]]; ps = MapIndexed[Directive[ColorData[1, #2[[1]]], Thick, Opacity[op[#1]]] & , tags]; op[_] = 1; dim = 0.3; makeLegend[s_, t_] := {Toggler[Dynamic[op[t]], {1 -> Graphics[Flatten[{s, Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}]}], ImageSize -> 72/3, AspectRatio -> 0.1], Dynamic[dim] -> Graphics[Flatten[{s, Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}}]}], ImageSize -> 72/3, AspectRatio -> 0.1]}], Text[t]}; Column[{Dynamic[Row[{plotfnc[f, args, PlotStyle -> ps, ImageSize -> Medium, opts], Grid[MapThread[makeLegend, {ps, tags}], Alignment -> {Left, Right}]}]], ButtonBar[{"Dim All" :> (Clear[op]; op[_] = Dynamic[dim]), "Darken All" :> (Clear[op]; op[_] = 1)}], Slider[Dynamic[dim], {0, 1}]}]]; DynamicLegend[ Plot[{ Tooltip[x^2, TraditionalForm[x^2]], Tooltip[x^3, TraditionalForm[x^3]], Tooltip[x^4, TraditionalForm[x^4]]}, {x, -3, 3}]]