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Re: reference manager in Mathematica?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103655] Re: reference manager in Mathematica?
  • From: "Hans Michel" <hmichel at>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 06:40:44 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h9srq3$p9r$>

An easy way would be to get Publicon. WRI did the work on adding the 
bibliographic database and adding palettes for endnote reference entry. As 
the notebook files saved by Publicon are generally Mathematica compatible 
the endnote style should come thru.

At some point some Publicon functionalities maybe in Mathematica

Another possibility is to use yet another tool as you reference manager.

Then writing your own palette that can insert endnotes to a current 
notebook, by accessing the SQLite database that zotero installs in your 
FireFox directory.

Zotero to manage your references, DataBaseLink to connect to SQLite, and 
select your references to a palette and some programming to add to current 

Zotero can import EndNote databases.

There are so many bibliographic db implementation that the wheel gets 
reinvented way too often

Additionaly OpenOffice (Star Office) provides its own bibilographic 

Maybe WRI can centralize the users reference DB thru packlets and hosting 
users reference DB. A start to online collaboration tools.


"ATG" <goossens.aart at> wrote in message 
news:h9srq3$p9r$1 at
> Hey,
> I was wondering if Mathematica has a built-in reference manager or
> whether it is possible to access your Endnote (or other)-bibliography
> from within Mathematica.
> The only thing I can find is that <a href=
> products/mathematica/analysis/content/
> DocumentProcessingSystems.html>Mathematica</a> can access a variety of
> databases, most probably including bibliography databases.
> Wolfram appears to make a big deal of Mathematica's document
> processing and report generation capabilities, but there seems to be
> no (easy?) way to include references.

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