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Re: "Freezing" an Output cell?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103719] Re: [mg103694] "Freezing" an Output cell?
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 09:04:49 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <8828117.1254488200078.JavaMail.root@n11>

If you have an Output cell that you want to keep from being deleted, copy it
and paste it just after some Text cell (or some non-Evaluable cell). Then it
won't be deleted by Menu -> Cell -> Delete All Output. Then, when you are
happy you can get rid of the cells that created it and the initial Output.

David Park
djmpark at  

From: AES [mailto:siegman at] 

I'd like to understand the recommended way(s) to "freeze" an Output cell 
created and displayed in a Mathematica notebook, so that one can delete 
the Input cell(s) that created it and the Output cell remains as a 
permanent "Text-like" cell in the notebook, visible to readers, and not 
deleted by subsequent Cell >> Delete All Output menu commands.

Example:  In the opening section of a notebook addressing some physical 
problem I create a Graphic displaying the geometry and coordinate 
systems associated with the problem, and maybe a Table displaying some 
of the variable names I'll be using and some (possibly derived) 
numerical values.  

Hopefully, at some point, once I've gotten off to a good start, I can 
delete the code that creates these displays, and not have to re-execute 
them further, just retain the Output cells, essentially unchanged in 
appearance.  How to do this?

[And is there a better name than "freezing" for this process?]

For myself, I'd prefer a point and click method, e.g., choose a new 
Style for these Output cells using the Format >> Style menu, over having 
to put some special code in the Input cells that create them.  But, 
others may differ.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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