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Re: "Freezing" an Output cell?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103703] Re: [mg103694] "Freezing" an Output cell?
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2009 09:01:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: jfultz at

On Fri, 2 Oct 2009 08:26:26 -0400 (EDT), AES wrote:
> I'd like to understand the recommended way(s) to "freeze" an Output cell
> created and displayed in a Mathematica notebook, so that one can delete
> the Input cell(s) that created it and the Output cell remains as a
> permanent "Text-like" cell in the notebook, visible to readers, and not
> deleted by subsequent Cell >> Delete All Output menu commands.
> Example:  In the opening section of a notebook addressing some physical
> problem I create a Graphic displaying the geometry and coordinate
> systems associated with the problem, and maybe a Table displaying some
> of the variable names I'll be using and some (possibly derived)
> numerical values.
> Hopefully, at some point, once I've gotten off to a good start, I can
> delete the code that creates these displays, and not have to re-execute
> them further, just retain the Output cells, essentially unchanged in
> appearance.  How to do this?
> [And is there a better name than "freezing" for this process?]
> For myself, I'd prefer a point and click method, e.g., choose a new
> Style for these Output cells using the Format >> Style menu, over having
> to put some special code in the Input cells that create them.  But,
> others may differ.
> Thanks for any suggestions.

Converting to Input style is easy enough.  If you want to prevent the newly
created Input cell from subsequently evaluating when you evaluate an entire
notebook, you can use the Cell->Cell Properties->Evaluatable menu command to
prevent that.

Also, if you prefer to hide the code rather than delete it, you can 
reverse-close the cell group by double-clicking on the cell bracket for the
output cell.

John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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