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Re: Colorfunction + parametricplot3d + plotrange = ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103795] Re: [mg103774] Colorfunction + parametricplot3d + plotrange = ?
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 08:01:53 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <21704474.1254764568161.JavaMail.root@n11>

I don't know why that happens. I would say it is a bug.

But, the problem goes away if you specify the plot range to include the
entire curve.

ParametricPlot3D[{5*Cos[fi], 5*Sin[fi], fi}, {fi, 0, 2 Pi}, 
 ColorFunction -> Function[{xx, yy, zz}, If[zz < 2, Red, Blue]], 
 PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.01]},
 ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
 PlotRange -> {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}, {-6, 7}}]

PlotRange -> Automatic also works, as in:

ParametricPlot3D[{0, 0, d}, {d, 0, 1*^13}, 
 ColorFunction -> 
  Function[{xx, yy, zz, d}, If[d >= 5*^12, Blue, Red]], 
 ColorFunctionScaling -> False, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.03]}, 
 PlotRange -> Automatic, BoxRatios -> {2, 2, 10},
 SphericalRegion -> True, RotationAction -> "Clip"]

David Park
djmpark at  

From: koringkriek [mailto:astronerma at] 

I am using Mathematica 7 on Max OS X and came across this problem:

When I want to plot:

ParametricPlot3D[{5*Cos[fi], 5*Sin[fi], fi}, {fi, 0, 2 Pi},
ColorFunction -> Function[{xx, yy, zz}, If[zz < 2, Red, Blue]],
PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.01]}, ColorFunctionScaling -> False]

It gives a nice plot which I can rotate in the notebook with mouse.
But as soon as I add PlotRange specification:

ParametricPlot3D[{5*Cos[fi], 5*Sin[fi], fi}, {fi, 0, 2
Pi},ColorFunction -> Function[{xx, yy, zz}, If[zz < 2, Red, Blue]],
 PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.01]}, ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
PlotRange -> {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}, {-6, 6}}]

Not only the colors of the curve are corrupted showing strange white
stripes but also at the attempt to rotate the 3D plot Mathematica

In other cases, for example such a simple plot:

ParametricPlot3D[{0, 0, d}, {d, 0, 1*^13}, ColorFunction -> Function
[{xx, yy, zz, d}, If[d >= 5*^12, Blue, Red]], ColorFunctionScaling ->
False, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.03]}, PlotRange -> {{-1*^12, 1*^12},
{-1*^12, 1*^12},{-2*^12, 8*^12}}, BoxRatios -> {2, 2, 10}]

can be rotated but the line has these strange white stripes all along.
One thing I have noticed is the stripes go worse if I increase
PlotPoints number.

Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong or confirm this


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