Re: Graphics3D Problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg103835] Re: [mg103808] Graphics3D Problem
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
- Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 07:52:19 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: hanlonr at
Use BoxRatios. Also, you might want to rotate two of the axes labels. dataPts = {{"Brazil", "EWZ", 4., 0.64, 0.39}, {"PAC", "EPP", 6., 0.61, 0.17}}; Graphics3D[{ Blue, Style[ Text[#[[2]], #[[{3, 4, 5}]], {1.6, 0}] & /@ dataPts, 12, Bold], Red, AbsolutePointSize[4], Point[dataPts[[All, {3, 4, 5}]]]}, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0, 0}, AxesLabel -> { "Years", Rotate["Percent", Pi/4], Rotate["Ann TR\n", Pi/2]}, LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, 14]] Bob Hanlon ---- donabc at wrote: ============= I am trying to produce a 3D graph of data points like the following two points (simplified) : dataPts = {{"Brazil", "EWZ", 4., 0.64, 0.39}, {"PAC", "EPP", 6., 0.61, 0.17}} The x values are 4 and 6 The y values are 0.64 and 0.61 The z values are 0.39 and 0.17 The labels for the data points come from the second element in each sublist above ("EWZ" and "EPP"). The data have widely differing values (in relative terms within each sublist), which is why I think I am having a problem. I am using the following code, which produces a monstrosity as you can see: g3D = Graphics3D[{AbsolutePointSize[4], Module[{loc = Part[#, {3, 4, 5}], val = Part[#, 2]}, {Point[loc], Style[Text[Row[{val}], loc, {-1.6, 0}], FontSize -> 12, Bold] }] & /@ dataPts}, Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"Years", "Percent", "Ann TR"}, LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, FontSize -> 14] ]; Print[g3D]; (I have used many of the options like PlotRange with no solution in sight.) In the graph I am trying to produce, the x axis ("Years" , the x values) should be the width of the 3D box with the axis going from left to right in the foreground labeled "Years" . (Labeled at the bottom of the graph, NOT at the top!). The y axis [ "Percent" ] should look like it's going into the background (with the "Percent" going alongside it at the bottom) and the z axis ["Ann. TR"] should look like the height axis going up. The entire graph should be (more or less) a cuboid. But, because the x, y, z values differ so much in relative terms, the graph looks ridiculously elongated. For example, the "Years" axis in the graph produced by the code above is roughly 7 times longer than the other axes. The shorter axes (the ones labeled "Ann. TR" and "Percent") should be roughly the same size in the finished graph as the "Years" axis. Bottom line, I am trying to produce a graph that has different scales for the different axes - much like a common sense person would produce if they were drawing the graph free hand with this data. (The graph I am trying to produce does not have to have all the axes origins starting at 0, but it seemed that was the best way to go.) Any help would be appreciiated. Thank youi in advance.