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Re: undocumented feature: TableView

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103843] Re: undocumented feature: TableView
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 07:15:05 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hakjjr$d4v$>

By the way, it is pretty easy to drill down in something like this to
fine new undocumented functions in interesting Contexts by using the
trick in my previous post as well as simple things like

Names["TableView `*"]

It seems like TableView is in a somewhat advanced state of
development.  And one could use it to create a pretty sophisticated
spreadsheet application with multiple sheets and so on.  With a parser
for Excel functions one could import Excel sheets with their
associated functionality...  (now, do I have time to do this?  No,

Here is an example of TableView's use for multiple sheets...

TabView[{40 ->
   TableView[40 IdentityMatrix[40], ContentSize -> {400, 300}],
  20 -> TableView[20 IdentityMatrix[20], ContentSize -> {400, 300}],
  10 -> TableView[10 IdentityMatrix[10], ContentSize -> {400, 300}]}]

 Oct 8, 7:49 am, Guido Tripaldi <gu... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> today I typed by accident "TableView" instead of "TableForm" writing a =
> notebook, so I discovered a function apparently not documented in  
> Mathematica 7 / Mac version. "TableView" displays a list in a  
> spreadsheet-like format.  I tried to search the DocumentationCenter  
> without finding any information, neither Google nor Wolfram search  
> engine gave better results. The only documentation I found was using  
> the "Information -  (??)" command. It show the options that TableView =
> accepts.
> It appears to be very useful, as it introduces a more flexible way to  
> observing the data. There are infact some data editing features  
> accessible through a popup menu (a "+" icon on the top left of the  
> view) and others ctrl-clicking the view (ctrl-click on Mac; right-
> click on Windows).
> Perhaps it is a new feature being finalized that will be included in  
> next version. Someone maybe knows something more about this function?
> In[1]:=  mylist = Table[ Subscript[a, i, j], {i, 5}, {j, 3}  ] =
> (*   a little matrix   *)
> In[2]:=  mylist // TableView     (*   show it as a small spread=
> *)
> In[3]:=  ?? TableView
>     System`TableView
>     Attributes[TableView] = {Protected, ReadProtected}
>     Options[TableView] := {Background -> None, BaseStyle -> {},
>        DefaultBaseStyle -> "TableView", DefaultLabelStyle ->  
> "TableViewLabel",
>        FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.85], ContentSize -> Automatic, =
> ItemSize -> 10,
>        LabelStyle -> {}, RotateLabel -> False, Spacings -> Automa=
>        TableHeadings -> {Automatic, Automatic}}
> Guido

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