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Error code: 480

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103936] Error code: 480
  • From: Joe Hays <hays.joe at>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 07:20:19 -0400 (EDT)

I have a WinXP (sp3) system with Mathematica 7.0.1 installed. I've been
using it for over a month. Last Friday "something happened" that corrupted
Mathematica. Upon launch I get the following error message:

"A serious error has occurred while Mathematica was starting up. Mathematica
will probably not function properly until this problem is resolved. You may
choose to conintue anyway, but Mathematica may crash or exit without

The installation of Mathematica may be corrupted. Contact technical support
or visit for more information. Error code:

I did have an old inactive Mathematica 6 still installed on the machine and
inadvertently launched it. I closed version 6 and then launched version 7
and received the error above. Since then, I have uninstalled both versions,
deleted the "C:\Program Files\Wolfram\" folder and even went into the
registry and deleted all keys that had "wolfram" or "mathematica" in it.

I then rebooted and did a clean install of Mathematica 7.0.1. The first
launch of this cleaned install produced the same error.

Error code: 480 produced no results when I searched on the Wolfram support
site. As a student without *premier* support and can not call into Wolfram
support, I'm at a loss as to what to do.

Has anyone experienced this same/similar phenomenon? Anyway have an idea of
what else I should try to resolve it?

Much thanks,


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