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Re: Point on sphere greatest distance from given points

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104078] Re: Point on sphere greatest distance from given points
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 05:23:33 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: hanlonr at

loc = CityData[#, "Coordinates"] & /@
  {"Chicago", "New York", 

{{41.840675, -87.679365}, {40.704234, -73.917927}, 
   {51.5, -0.1166667}}

dist[{lat_?NumericQ, long_?NumericQ}, loc_List] := 
 Total[GeoDistance[{lat, long}, #] & /@ loc]

Maximize[{dist[{lat, long}, loc],
  -90 <= lat <= 90, -180 < long <= 180}, {lat, long}]


Bob Hanlon

---- Kelly Jones <kelly.terry.jones at> wrote: 

How can I use Mathematica to solve this problem:

Given n points on a sphere, I want to find a point x such that:


is maximal, where "distance" is spherical ("great circle") distance.

In other words, I want to find the point x "furthest" from the given n points.

Is there any chance x will coincide with one of the given points? If
so, is there a better notion of distance to use?

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