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About using hyperlinks in notebook, couple of questions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104216] About using hyperlinks in notebook, couple of questions
  • From: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:38:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: "Nasser M. Abbasi" <nma at>


Ver 7, windows XP

question 1:
I create a text cell, write some text, select a word, then do 
Insert->Hyperlink. Wizard comes up, and I browse for the file I want to to 
link it to. All ok.

The word slightly changes color and becomes a Hyperlink.

I could not find an option to make the hyperlinked word become more 
apparent, when in the notebook, that it is a hyperlink, I wanted to make the 
word maybe use a different font, or become darker or even underlined just as 
it would look in the html page itself.  So that when reading the text later, 
I can more easily see which words are hyperlink and which are not. Now it is 
a little hard to see the differerce. I am using default style sheet. This 
might be different in different style sheets , I have not yet tried.

I know I could change the style if I had used the HyperLink[] command 
directly, but I prefer to use the wizard to add the hyperlink so I do not 
have to type the url by hand and make mistake.

question 2:
On editing existing hyperlink created as above. It says in the help the 

"To edit the name of a hyperlink, click beside the hyperlink and use the 
arrow keys to move the insertion point into the hyperlink's text."

But when I do the above, all what happens is that a new small window comes 
up with some actual HTML code in it. I was expecting that the original 
insert->Hyperlink "wizard" to popup again so I could may be change the URL 
by browsing for a different file for example.

Is this really how is it supposed to work? This does not seem right.


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