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Re: presentations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104377] Re: presentations
  • From: "Kevin J. McCann" <Kevin.McCann at>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 02:59:26 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hc6g30$5dv$>

It is, and it is well worth the money.


Francisco Gutierrez wrote:
> Friends:
> Is David Parks' presentation package --from his fantastic web page-- usable in v.7?
> Fg
> --- On Wed, 10/21/09, Jason Ledbetter <jasonbrent at> wrote:
> From: Jason Ledbetter <jasonbrent at>
> Subject:  Re:  Question on Dynamic with "DockedCell"
> Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 5:29 AM
> Hmm. That organizational structure is different than what I'm using. I guess
> I need to comprehend the box structure of mathematica... for example
> "BoxData" doesn't seem to be a  documented primitive (It is referenced
> inside the Cell[] documentation as a one-liner).
> Is there a how-to or otherwise some documentation that describes when to use
> BoxData vs. ToBoxes vs. whatever or is it one of those "It depends and it's
> complicated" things?
> -jbl
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Adam Griffith <adamg at> wrote:
>> I would suggest placing the code for the menus in a DynamicModule.
>> Notebook[........ , DockedCells->Cell[BoxData[ToBoxes at DynamicModule[.....
>> all code.....], "DockedCell"]]
>> -Adam
>> Jason Ledbetter wrote:
>>> Folk,
>>> I'm attempting to create a dynamically-appearing set of choices/menus
>>> using
>>> ButtonBar in a notebook window but I've been unable to get the desired
>>> affect to date. I've cobbled together the following code which almost does
>>> what I'm looking for but I could use some pointers in getting the rest of
>>> the way.
>>> The goal here is for the "topMenu" items to appear when the notebook is
>>> first instantiated and for the "secondMenu" option to appear when a
>>> "topMenu" option is selected. As it stands now, I'm having to start with
>>> the
>>> "secondMenu" option pre-defined to a bogus value.
>>> If I were to abstract my goal some more, I'm trying to figure out how to
>>> dynamically add/remove RowBox items that include ButtonBars from the
>>> notebook based on options that are selected.
>>> I'm guessing that I somehow need to programmatically generate the contents
>>> of a Dynamically wrapped RowBox (e.g., Dynamic[RowBox[...]]) but I'm not
>>> quite sure how to go about that just yet.
>>> Any help is greatly appreciated...
>>> Here's what I have thus far:
>>> --snip--
>>> Module[
>>>  {topMenu, secondMenu},
>>>  topMenu = {"option1", "option2"};
>>>  secondMenu = {"No option selected"};
>>>  menuChoice[choice_] := Module[{},
>>>    Switch[choice,
>>>     "option1", secondMenu = {"one", "selected"},
>>>     "option2", secondMenu = {"two", "selected"}, _, Print[choice]
>>>     ]];
>>>  CreateWindow[DockedCells -> Cell[
>>>     RowBox[
>>>      {
>>>       ToBoxes[
>>>        ButtonBar[ToString[#] :> menuChoice[#] & /@ topMenu]
>>>        ],
>>>       ToBoxes[
>>>        Dynamic[
>>>         ButtonBar[ToString[#] :> menuChoice[#] & /@ secondMenu]
>>>         ]
>>>        ]
>>>       }
>>>      ],
>>>     "DockedCell"],
>>>   TextAlignment -> Center
>>>   ]
>>>  ];
>>> --snip--
>>> thanks,
>>> -jbl

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