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Re: Re: Mapping to a specific column or row in a matrix

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103020] Re: [mg103011] Re: Mapping to a specific column or row in a matrix
  • From: "Ned Lieb" < at>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 03:15:09 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: at

Yep, there is. Double square brackets indicate coordinates.

To define a function as row x in a table defined as Table, for example, you'd write something like f=Table[[x]][All]]. I assume you can drop the same syntax into a mapping function.

------Original Message------

From: Vince

To: Mathgroup

Sent: Sep 3, 2009 7:56 PM

Subject: [mg103020] [mg103011] Re: Mapping to a specific column or row in a matrix

On Sep 3, 7:10 am, pfalloon <pfall... at> wrote:

> Hi,

> I'm wondering if there is a more simple/elegant way to Map a function

> to a specific row or column of a matrix. The best I can come up

> requires both Map and MapAt, but it feels like there should be

> something more succinct (I suspect I may be overlooking something

> obvious).


> Example: suppose I want to divide entries in the 3rd column by 10.


> (* my clunky solution *)

> mat = ConstantArray[1, {10,5}];

> res = Map[MapAt[#/10 &, #, 3] &, mat]


> Note that the desired output is the entire matrix, so that rules out

> something like:


> mat[[All,3]]/10


> One thing that would seem natural would be to allow "All" as an

> element specification in the MapAt function. Thus, what I'm trying to

> do would be expressed as:


> (* doesn't work, but would be nice *)

> MapAt[#/10 &, mat, {All,3}]


> and if I wanted to do it to a specific row (say, the 3rd) it would be:


> (* doesn't work, but would be nice *)

> MapAt[#/10 &, mat, {3, All}]


> Any thoughts/suggestions?


> Thanks,

> Peter.

Consider in-place modification, if you're working with a variable/


mat = ConstantArray[1, {10,5}];

mat[[All,3]] /= 10;

or more generally:

mat[[All,3]] = op @ mat[[All, 3]];

where 'op' can of course be a function of more than its target.

Vince Virgilio

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