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Re: How does Eigensystem works ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103095] Re: [mg103073] How does Eigensystem works ?
  • From: Leonid Shifrin <lshifr at>
  • Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 05:55:52 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>


For real symmetric matrices, the eignevalues are real, and eigenvectors
mutually orthogonal
(this is also true for Hermitian matrices). In that case, the inverse of P
equals transpose of P,
which is one way to say that P is orthogonal (or, inverse of P equals its
hermitian conjugate for hermitian initial matrix, in which case P is

This will generate a random real symmetric matrix:

randomRealSymmetricMatrix[range : {min_?NumericQ, max_?NumericQ},
   size_Integer?Positive] :=
  Module[{testmat = RandomReal[range, {size, size}], i, j},
   For[i = 1, i <= size, i++,
    For[j = 1, j < i, j++,
     testmat[[j, i]] = testmat[[i, j]]]];

Now we can test some properties related to your question.

testmatr = randomRealSymmetricMatrix[{0, 10}, 3]

Out[1]= {{9.07127, 5.23526, 2.97208}, {5.23526, 1.90757,
  3.5502}, {2.97208, 3.5502, 9.89953}}

In[2]:= eigs = Eigenvalues[testmatr]

{15.334, 6.71659, -1.1722}

 p = Eigenvectors[testmatr]

{{-0.65143, -0.420919, -0.631241}, {-0.640756, -0.140316,
  0.754814}, {0.406289, -0.89618, 0.1783}}

Transpose[p] == Inverse[p]

Out[4]= True

This shows that the vectors are mutually orthogonal:

In[5]:= Chop@Outer[Dot, p, p, 1]

Out[5]= {{1., 0, 0}, {0, 1., 0}, {0, 0, 1.}}

This shows the standard diagonalization formula that you cited:

In[6]:= Inverse[p].DiagonalMatrix[eigs].p == testmatr

Out[6]= True

Or, due to result In[4],

In[7] = Transpose[p].DiagonalMatrix[eigs].p == testmatr

Out[7] = True

Now, if you matrix does not have the above-mentioned symmetry, this is not
going to work any more.
Try generating an arbitrary random matrix and none of the results 4-7 will
any longer hold.
The analog of the decomposition of 6,7 will be the singular value
decomposition (SVD)

M = U.Lambda.V*,

but U and V will no longer relate to eigenvectors of M, and Lambda to

Hope this helps.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 10:34 AM, guerom00 <guerom00 at> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> If I compute the eigenvalues lambda and eigenvectors P of a square
> matrix A, I get the original matrix back by calculating Transpose
> [P].DiagonalMatrix[lambda].Transpose[Inverse[P]] ???
> Now, I don't know much in linear algebra but I think I should get the
> origonal matrix back by computing P.DiagonalMatrix[lambda].Inverse
> [P] !
> What gives?
> Thanks

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