Re: Oil and gold price chart, for your interest
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg103270] Re: Oil and gold price chart, for your interest
- From: Armand Tamzarian <mike.honeychurch at>
- Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 19:58:50 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <h8d502$nb$>
On Sep 11, 4:24 am, Chris Degnen <deg... at> wrote: > spotPrices = > Import["";, > "XLS"]; > spotPriceWTI = {#[[1, 1 ;; 3]], #[[4]]} & /@ > DeleteCases[ > spotPrices[[1, 2 ;;]], {_, _, _, "NA"} | {_, _, _, ""}]; > goldPrices = > Import[" d", > "HTML"]; > goldPrices2 = StringSplit[goldPrices, "\n"]; > Take[goldPrices2, 9]; > goldPrices3 = Drop[goldPrices2, 8]; > Take[goldPrices2, -21]; > goldPrices4 = Drop[goldPrices3, -20]; > goldPrices5 = > DeleteCases[If[StringLength[#] > 10, #, Null] & /@ goldPrices4, > Null]; > goldPrices6 = {StringTake[#, 9], StringTake[#, {11, 16}]} & /@ > goldPrices5; > goldPrices7 = {DateList[#[[1]]], ToExpression[#[[2]]]/10} & /@ > goldPrices6; > pricesPlot = > DateListPlot[{goldPrices7, > Take[spotPriceWTI, 7 - Length[goldPrices7]]}, > PlotLabel -> Style["\n2009 Oil and Gold Prices ($)", Bold], > Joined -> True, PlotRange -> {Automatic, {0, 110}}, > FrameTicks -> {{{{0, "0"}, {20, "20"}, {40, "40"}, {60, "60"}, {80= , > "80"}, {100, "100"}}, > {{0, "0"}, {20, "200"}, {40, "400"}, {60, "600"}, {80, > "800"}, {100, "1000"}}}, Automatic}]; > Show[pricesPlot] This is easier ( to read at least): spotPrices = First@Import[" Crude1.xls","XLS"]; spotBrent = Cases[spotPrices[[All, {1, 3}]], {_List, x_?NumericQ}]; spotWTI = Cases[spotPrices[[All, {1, 4}]], {_List, x_?NumericQ}]; goldPrices = Import[" 2009dailygold","Data"]; goldPrices = Cases[goldPrices, {x_String, y__?NumericQ} :> {DateList [x], y}, \[Infinity]]; >From here I don't exactly know how you want to make your plot (perhaps scale the gold price?) or which price to choose but this is a simple plot: DateListPlot[{spotPriceWTI, goldPrices[[All, {1, 2}]]}, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All] ------ If you wanted to only choose days in which you have data for both WTI and gold you can use Intersection with a SameTest to create a subset of the WTI data (or of course use Part or Take and make the choice manually). General, but slow, case: WTIsubset1=Quiet@Intersection[spotPriceWTI, goldPrices[[All, 1]], SameTest -> (#1[[1]] == #2[[{1, 2, 3}]] &)] Note that the {1,2,3} is necessary because the length of the date lists differ for the oil and gold. However if you only want 2009 data, which you would in this case: WTIsubset2=Cases[spotPriceWTI, {{2009, __}, __}] Ideally you'd want to have a two axis plot here but this has always been problematic and breaks whenever I try to implement it with DateListPlot. Some readers may have a working DateListPlot two axis plot solution (?) Mike