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Re: Capturing the output(s) from a Manipulate?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103419] Re: Capturing the output(s) from a Manipulate?
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 05:50:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Stanford University
  • References: <> <h94vo4$nkl$>

AES wrote:

> > Suppose I have a Manipulate[ ] that creates one or more plots, tables, 
> > whatever other output.  I exercise it though various values of the 
> > controls until I understand how these outputs change, and then decide 
> > that I want to capture and "freeze" into the notebook the outputs for 
> > three specific sets of these control values,  call them cv1, cv2, cv3. 

and Murray Eisenberg <murray at> wrote:

> It's already there!
> 1. Choose the settings you want for all the Manipulate output's controls.
> 2. On the Manipulate output, click the little + symbol that's in the 
> upper-right corner of the panel.  A drop-down menu appears. Click the 
> entry Paste Snapshot.
> That will paste into a new Input cell a DynamicModule expression for the 
> current settings of all the controls.  

Thanks -- I'm beginning to get a grasp of what Bookmarks and the like do.

But suppose I want to paste a permanent "snapshot", NOT of the Input 
that creates this snapshot (which is positioned in an Input cell that I 
then have to execute, and maybe erase), but rather a snapshot of the 
finished _output_ (the Plot or Table or whatever) that the Manipulate 
command has already created?

This seems to me a natural thing to want to do in many circumstances.  
One might even want to do it three times, say, to create three "frozen" 
snapshots of three typical outputs -- and then delete (or at least 
disable) the whole associated Manipulate apparatus that created these 
three examples, since it will no longer be needed.

Is there a good way (besides Copy and Paste) to make a snapshot of the 
_Output_ from a Manipulate (without any added controls or similar 

Questions beyond that:

1)  Suppose I create a graphic Output cell either by executing a 
Manipulate or even just by a simple Plot or Show or whatever command.

How can one best capture and "freeze" the rendered _Output cell 
contents_ in this situation, so that they become a permanent 
illustration or graphic in the notebook?  What style or other option 
should one choose or edit within the Output cell, or a Copy and Pasted 
version of the Output cell, to do this?

2)  Suppose one creates several such outputs using a Manipulate command, 
and then wants to remove or disable the Manipulate command itself ***and 
all its associated side effects*** (since it will presumably no longer 
be needed).

I suppose one answer is to delete the Manipulate cell; Save and Close 
the notebook; Quit Mathematica; then re-open Mathematica and then the 
notebook.  Is there a more efficient way?

Or will just unclicking Evaluatable for the Manipulate cell and 
re-executing the notebook once be enough?

3)  Re the Manipulate command:  It appears that the square inverted plus 
icon in the Manipulate output window (i.e., white plus sign on square 
gray background) is a toggle, while the circular inverted plus sign is 
what's called a "contextual menu" (at least in Mac parlance, where the 
associated icon is more often a small gear wheel).

Are these now more widely used (and standardized) conventions in 
Mathematica?  (or elsewhere).  Is there somewhere one can read about 
these icon conventions, or get a list of them?

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