3D model problem - translating figure off center
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg103588] 3D model problem - translating figure off center
- From: canopus56 <canopus56 at yahoo.com>
- Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 07:38:51 -0400 (EDT)
Dear group, I am attempting to make a simple 3D model of an impact plume, sun angle lighting and lunar crater Cabeus (98km dia., depth 5.1km). While it is simple to build all of the components and to put them into one image, I am unable to move the plume figure off center to 49,49,0 (into the green sunlight plane). Any ideas on how to approach this 3D graphics translation problem within Mathematica? Thanks - Kurt Show[ RevolutionPlot3D[x^2/(5.1*91.35), {x, 0, 49}, Mesh -> None, PlotStyle -> Directive[Opacity[1.0], Gray], MeshShading -> {Gray, Automatic} , BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 0.05} ], Plot3D[Tan[8.27 Degree]* x - 1.8, {x, 0, 49}, {y, -49, 49}, Mesh -> None, PlotStyle -> Directive[Yellow, Specularity[White, 20], Opacity[0.4]], BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 0.05}], RevolutionPlot3D[2*(x - 2.5), {x, 2.5, 5.0}, Mesh -> None, PlotStyle -> Directive[Opacity[0.5], Red], MeshShading -> {Gray, Automatic} , BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 0.05} ] ]