LocatorAutoCreate in 2-parameter Manipulate?
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg109188] LocatorAutoCreate in 2-parameter Manipulate?
- From: Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenberg at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 05:51:29 -0400 (EDT)
The following code works to plot, for a simple harmonic oscillator, the phase plane trajectory through the point where you move the Locator: soln[t_, x0_, v0_] := {x0 Cos[t] + v0 Sin[t], v0 Cos[t] - x0 Sin[t]} Manipulate[{x0, v0} = u; ParametricPlot[soln[t, x0, v0], {t, 0, 4 \[Pi]}, PlotRange -> {{-4, 4}, {-4, 4}}, PlotStyle -> Thick], {u, {-3.5, -3.5}, {3.5, 3.5}}, ControlType -> Locator] I now want to be able to create (and destroy) locators there. So I tried option LocatorAutoCreate: Manipulate[{x0, v0} = u; ParametricPlot[soln[t, x0, v0], {t, 0, 4 \[Pi]}, PlotRange -> {{-4, 4}, {-4, 4}}, PlotStyle -> Thick], {{u, {-3.5, -3.5}, {3.5, 3.5}}, Locator, LocatorAutoCreate -> True}] But this does not work: I still get only one locator and corresponding one curve shown after Alt-Click somewhere. [Note that changing the manipulate parameter specification to the form shown on page ref/LocatorAutoCreate... {{u, {{-3.5, -3.5}, {3.5, 3.5}}}, Locator, LocatorAutoCreate -> True} ... gives completely spurious results.] Is it possible to fix this and yet still do it within a Manipulate. For good reasons I do NOT want to totally "roll my own" using DynamicModule, etc. -- Murray Eisenberg murrayeisenberg at gmail.com 80 Fearing Street phone 413 549-1020 (H) Amherst, MA 01002-1912