Re: Unevaluated functions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg109350] Re: Unevaluated functions
- From: mokambo <alexandrepassosalmeida at>
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 03:47:23 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <hqou0u$9g5$> <hqp995$gqv$>
Thanks Albert and Bob, To give an example, the multiplicative inverse of 3 computed with PowerMod[3, -1, 288] does not evaluate and prints the message: PowerMod::ninv:3 is not invertible modulo 288 Following your suggestions I tried: PowerMod[___] := "N/A"; but it does not work unless you unprotect the symbol (a bad idea) Attributes[PowerMod] = {Listable, Protected, ReadProtected} So I searched through the docs and found: Check[PowerMod[3, -1, 288], "N/A"] which still prints the error message (can be suppressed with Quiet) but "returns" N/A as desired :) Thanks!