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Re: Imposing constraints on a system of equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109360] Re: Imposing constraints on a system of equations
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 03:49:12 -0400 (EDT)

Use Reduce

eq1 = Pi*r^2 + 2*Pi*r*x == 0;
eq2 = 2*Pi*r*h + (2*Pi*h + 4*Pi*r)*x == 0;
eq3 = 2*Pi*r^2 + 2*Pi*r*h - a == 0;

sols = Reduce[{eq1, eq2, eq3, r >= 0, h >= 0},
   {r, h, x}, Reals] // ToRules

{r -> 1/Sqrt[6*Pi], 
   h -> Sqrt[2/(3*Pi)], 
   x -> -(h/(Sqrt[6*Pi]*
             (h + Sqrt[2/(3*Pi)])))}

Bob Hanlon

---- Virgil Stokes <vs at> wrote: 

A very simple question on imposing conditions/constraints.

I know that a, r, and h must be real and non-negative in the following 
system of equations:


How can I impose conditions on this system such that only real solutions 
are obtained, and r and h are non-negative?

Thank you,

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