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Re: How export/recompile expressions and calculation code to run

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111426] Re: How export/recompile expressions and calculation code to run
  • From: Andrey <andrey.siver at>
  • Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 04:55:42 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <i2ub5f$jfb$> <i30gl9$mi8$>


On 31 =D0=B8=D1=8E=D0=BB, 10:42, Albert Retey <a... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> > We have some Mathematica program (with Mathematica-based GUI) and we
> > need to sell it to customers.
> > We would like to make our program independent of Mathematica (on
> > running time).
> if you have everything including a GUI ready, isn't the Player Pro a
> reasonable alternative? You would just have to create an encoded package
> from your code and it would cost something around 300$ per license (you
> should talk to WRI for details).

On initial stage even $300 is too much, as I can see.

> > I see two opportunities:
> > 1) We can Export all key mathematical expressions from mathematica to
> > java classes and then use some java numerical libraries to carry out
> > the calculations (+ GUI on java).
> > 2) We can Export all key mathematical expressions from mathematica to
> > some free and powerful package for numerical calculations: like Scilab
> > and R. And then write a program to carry out the calculations (+GUI).
> > Any suggestions?
> It really depends a lot on what functionality that Mathematica provides
> you are using in your code. What kind of numerical routines do you use
> (NSolve,FindRoot,NDSolve,NMinimize,Fourier...)?

The key numerical function is NMinimize. I found powerful lib Ipopt with java interface. There are some
difficulties now with it for large target functions but I hope to
solve them.

>Do you use any symbolic
> methods? Do you use any of the visualization functionality, if so which?

No. At final step there are many (limited number) numerical

Thanks for the answer.



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