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Re: Forcing Mathematica to use standard fonts

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111462] Re: Forcing Mathematica to use standard fonts
  • From: Uayeb <uayebswinburne at>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 07:05:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <i2ok7k$808$>

A related problem (which was my guess as to why this question was
posed in the first place) is how does one deal with the Mathematica
fonts embeded into PDF files of plots saved/Exported from Mathematica.

Opening a PDF in e.g. Adobe Illustrator gives an error Font
"Mathematica2" not found, or something similar.

I then installed the Mathematica Fonts on my system (from
This eliminates the error, but the glyphs are still not correct. (e.g.
a lowercase sigma becomes capital sigma, some characters are replaced
by a box with an "x" in it, etc)

Of course a strategy such as that suggested with "PrivateFontOptions"
is helpful, but breaks down again as soon as one incorperates a greek

Andy Green

PS Actually, I find the structure of PDF files exported from
Mathematica infuriating, not to mention the (seeming) considerable
inconsistencies in how they are exported. But that's a discussion for
another thread.

On Jul 28, 4:54 pm, John Fultz <jfu... at> wrote:
> If what you're exporting is really text with no embedded math, then you c=
an use
> TextCell...
> Graphics[{Style[
>    Text[TextCell["The (quick+brown) fox == the lazy-dog"], {0, 0}=
>    FontFamily -> "Times"]}]
> This will also fix various other things like the line-wrapping behavior t=
o be
> more appropriate for straight text.
> If you have embedded math, but still don't want to use the Mathematica fo=
> you can use the "OperatorSubstitution" option, which I've mentioned a few=
> before in this group:
> Graphics[{Style[Text["The (quick+brown) fox == the lazy-dog", {0, 0}]=
>    FontFamily -> "Times",
>    PrivateFontOptions -> {"OperatorSubstitution" -> False}]}]
> In both cases, Mathematica fonts will still be used for things like Greek
> characters and special mathematical symbols, but they won't be used for r=
> operators such as (){}[]#+==-*/, which I think is what you're mainly =
> in.
> Sincerely,
> John Fultz
> jfu... at
> User Interface Group
> Wolfram Research, Inc.
> On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 07:53:00 -0400 (EDT), Greg Egan wrote:
> > Suppose I embed some text in a graphic using:
> > Style[
> > Text["The (quick+brown) fox == the lazy-dog", coords],
> > FontFamily->"Times"]
> > If I export this graphic (e.g. to PDF or SVG), Mathematica will put
> > most of the text in Times, but the characters "(+)==-" will all be =
> > special Mathematica fonts, generally with their own special encodings.
> > I appreciate that Mathematica has good reasons for substituting its
> > own fonts when it typesets mathematical expressions, but in some
> > situations I'd like to be able to create output that uses only
> > standard fonts.
> > Is there any way to force Mathematica to stop this character-by-
> > character font-substitution, and output all characters unchanged in a
> > single, specified font?  There's a tantalising claim in the
> > documentation (tutorial/TextAndFontOptions):
> > "For a given text font, Mathematica tries to choose the special
> > character font that matches it best. You can help Mathematica to make
> > this choice by giving rules for "FontSerifed" and "FontMonospaced" in
> > the setting for the FontProperties option. You can also give rules for
> > "FontEncoding" to specify explicitly from what font each character is
> > to be taken."
> > ... but there's no proper documentation of this feature, if it even
> > still exists in v7; the documentation for FontProperties warns that
> > "This function has not been fully integrated into the long-term
> > Mathematica system, and is subject to change."
> > Thanks for any help people can offer.

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