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Save a notebook state

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111551] Save a notebook state
  • From: "slawek" <slawek at>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 07:54:57 -0400 (EDT)

I have got a medium size .nb notebook, but the "evaluate notebook" command 
take about half a hour.

The "save" command save only input cells (and comments etc.) - but the 
context (the values of variables) are not saved. Therefore after "open" I 
must "evaluate" to restore the state of computations from a previous 

An example:

after loading saved notebook with

In[1] := x = Simplify(1+1+1)
Out[2] = 3

I have two lines in the Mathematica front-end, but: a. no kernel is loaded; 
b. the value of x is not 3, because x is not defined.

Is it a way to save the notebook with all results, variables etc. to avoid 
re-calculation of formulas? I.e. a save .nb with a dump the state of kernel?



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