- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg111634] ExistsURLQ
- From: E. Pérez Herrero <enriqueperezherrero at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 07:21:47 -0400 (EDT)
Hello everybody: I=B4m trying to find the best way to test if any internet link is available or not, something similar to FileExistsQ, but with a web URL. As I could not find anything about this topic on the documentation, I =B4ve been rewieving some internal packages and the idea I had is this one: << Utilities`URLTools` (*This is a failed link *) Quiet[If[(ToString[Head[Utilities`URLTools`FetchURL["http:// www.googeewrtwertwetrerle23232.es/", "file.tmp"]]] == "Symbol"), Print["Failed"], Print["Ok"]]]; (*And this is a good one*) Quiet[If[(ToString[ Head[Utilities`URLTools`FetchURL["http://www.google.es/", "file.tmp"]]] == "Symbol"), Print["Failed"], Print["Ok"]]] The idea is to use the FecthURL function that cames within the "URLTools" package, but this way of doing this seems awful and this function creates a temporary file that after all it is necessary to be deleted. Does anybody knows the proper way to do this? Thanks in advance. Enrique.